Miley Cyrus takes hits of "salvia" from a bong... Discuss

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Did read an article yesterday saying that since the video surfaced that sale of Salvia has sky rocketed. Me personally, if I knew I responsible for something like that. I would feel pretty crappy.

I wouldn't Miley Cyrus isn't the parent in the situation. Most of the Miley fans are between the ages of 8 and 15. Which means someone has to be looking over them/after them. If my kid got a hold of Salvia because of Miley Cyrus, I'd feel like a ____ty parent because I didn't know what my kid was doing and snuck it right under my nose. Blaming Miley is a cop-out which unfortunately a lot of parents have no problem doing.

A person's personal life and professional life should be kept separate, two sides of the same coin and with celebrities it is rarely so therefore its really up to the parents to make sure their kid in on whatever path they want and not on the path of Hannah Montana.
YouTube voyeurism is wreaking havok on the personal/professional border. It's starting to feel really dirty, and it's not the subjects being recorded that are making it that way.
Definitely. You got Michael Phelps busted for smoking pot by someone's cell phone camera, this video taken by a Miley "friend", Cell phone pictures intercepted of celebrities in various nude states sold to the highest bidder. Literally celebrities have no privacy, which comes with the "plan" you get the paycheck, the celebrity, the popularity and you give up your personal life, virtually everyone knows that and some celebrities do exploit that in order to get on the front pages of this and that which means that parents, common sense and personal ideals of who/what you want to be come into play even harder than before.
I don't put a lot of weight on the light when the moths burn themselves. Vacant as they may be, it's their vacancy that's the problem. Her life is her own, with her mistakes to make on her own. She put herself in the limelight, but I doubt she ever intended to be the Dalai Lama or Mother Theresa, showing everyone the way.
I understand what you are saying, but it's kind of like Uncle Ben saying "with great power comes great responsibilty" to Peter Parker. Whether she likes it or not she is a role model to Millions of tween girls all over the world. What can I say though, my girls were into Britney Spears and they are turning out good despite the crap she pulled.
Definitely. You got Michael Phelps busted for smoking pot by someone's cell phone camera, this video taken by a Miley "friend", Cell phone pictures intercepted of celebrities in various nude states sold to the highest bidder. Literally celebrities have no privacy, which comes with the "plan" you get the paycheck, the celebrity, the popularity and you give up your personal life, virtually everyone knows that and some celebrities do exploit that in order to get on the front pages of this and that which means that parents, common sense and personal ideals of who/what you want to be come into play even harder than before.

That's why I don't fault them for being poor role models. It's not their job. The vultures will always try to exploit them, and they will exploit (if they're smart) the attention in turn. I root for the star in most cases because whatever can be said about the quality of their art, they are still the one who has something to offer; the paparazzi (pro or not) will always be a form of parasite.

I understand what you are saying, but it's kind of like Uncle Ben saying "with great power comes great responsibilty" to Peter Parker. Whether she likes it or not she is a role model to Millions of tween girls all over the world. What can I say though, my girls were into Britney Spears and they are turning out good despite the crap she pulled.

It doesn't absolve the tweens of responsibility for their own power (which is total control over their own actions). If they turn out to be trash because they couldn't make a decision without consulting what Miley did first, they deserve what they become.
Some of you guys have a really skewed view of life. Teens = Drugs? It's that kind of thinking that has made us dumber with each passing generation.

This is such a "rose coloured glasses" POV.

We're not getting "dumber" with each passing generation - we're more literate and better educated than ever before, technology continues to improve at an astonishing rate, our life expectancy is getting longer as medicine continues to advance. How can this be the result of each generation becoming less intelligent than the previous? :slap

Teens will experiment with drugs. In 99% of cases, it's really no big deal. Those of us who think this isn't normal behaviour are just fooling themselves. I'm not saying everyone tries it, but it's certainly more normal than you might think.
YouTube voyeurism is wreaking havok on the personal/professional border. It's starting to feel really dirty, and it's not the subjects being recorded that are making it that way.
But the problem is that in our culture, everyone using thier cell phones to capture a celebrity's personal life is just a natural extension of the way things already are.

Our media is already so obsessed with celebrities' personal lives with countless magazines, tv channels, and websites devoted to the subject. so much so that when I log onto the internet, a story about a famous person's social life is usually considered one of the top news stories of the day.

A huge part of being a successful entertainer today is to have your name out there in the media often enough to make you famous. And often that means putting your "private life" on display in a controlled way. In a way, being famous is almost more important than being a good actor. Think about this; Angelina Jolie is considered an A-list actress that is always in the news. But can you really name a movie she delivered a memorable performance in?

So when we create this culture that tells us that every little thing that a movie actor does or says is important enough to be considered national news, why would something be off limits becuase it catches the celeb at thier worst? If anything, something like this is much more likely to generate interest than the typical who is dating who or who wore what to an awards show crap.

So when we create a world where a celebrity's personal life defines a large chunk of thier professional one, why should stuff like this be shocking?
I have never understood the idea of the "role model". This girl is absolutely free to do whatever she wants to do with her time and life. If she is considered a "role model" by others, that is certainly not her problem, but rather the problem of those girls who supposedly consider her so, as they certainly prove to have absolutely no personality nor intelligence. Do you really think teenagers are sooooooo stupid??? To such extent???

A different matter would be a child watching vids such as this, but anyways, still wouldn't be her problem but their parents', as NO children should be watching any youtube vids.
Role models are what people who don't know what they are, nor what they should be, require to have an identity. A healthy human mind might draw inspiration from a star, but wanting to imitate them is a sign of pathology.

But the problem is that in our culture, everyone using thier cell phones to capture a celebrity's personal life is just a natural extension of the way things already are.

What is it about the culture that was just waiting for cellphones to fully express itself, I wonder. Any ideas?

ShadowX81 said:
Our media is already so obsessed with celebrities' personal lives with countless magazines, tv channels, and websites devoted to the subject. so much so that when I log onto the internet, a story about a famous person's social life is usually considered one of the top news stories of the day.

People are interested in those who are more successful than they are, and seek to emulate those aspects of their heroes that they believe brought them to the status they themselves wish to attain.

Or, maybe it's something more venal. I wonder.

ShadowX81 said:
A huge part of being a successful entertainer today is to have your name out there in the media often enough to make you famous. And often that means putting your "private life" on display in a controlled way. In a way, being famous is almost more important than being a good actor. Think about this; Angelina Jolie is considered an A-list actress that is always in the news. But can you really name a movie she delivered a memorable performance in?

I can't. The draw is her glamour, which is an asset that transcends her usefulness as an actress. It's a quality that can be emulated, and traded to get the things people want even more than financial success, which is the admiration that stars receive.

What do you think it is that they're lacking that prompts them to pursue a value that is clearly a substitute for something more substantial?

ShadowX81 said:
So when we create this culture that tells us that every little thing that a movie actor does or says is important enough to be considered national news, why would something be off limits becuase it catches the celeb at thier worst? If anything, something like this is much more likely to generate interest than the typical who is dating who or who wore what to an awards show crap.

Perhaps the greater attraction to the lives of celebrities are signs of their mortality. Do people hate them more than they love them? Is envy more powerful in this regard than admiration?

Wonder why that is...

ShadowX81 said:
So when we create a world where a celebrity's personal life defines a large chunk of thier professional one, why should stuff like this be shocking?

It's not. It's still reprehensible to me.
I bet I know who's plan this was,

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Think about this: Angelina Jolie is considered an A-list actress that is always in the news. But can you really name a movie she delivered a memorable performance in?

Gia, Pushing Tin, Gone in Sixty Seconds (I just like that movie), Taking Lives, Alexander, and let's not forget Girl Interrupted where she won an actual Academy Award for.

You have to remember though, the "A" list or the "B" list is less how great of an actor you are. There are a ton of fantastic actors and actresses who aren't A-Listers. What makes the high list is how profitable you are. Seth Rogen is considered an A-Lister according to the entertainment shows and trades. I doubt anyone would consider him a fantastic actor or even I'd wager a fantastic comedian. Fun sure and depending on your humor, pretty funny but at the same level as other A-Listers?

Miley Cyrus is a label, a brand, a license to print money, that is what makes her an A-Lister, as soon they aren't profitable they tumble. Look at almost all the 90s teen throbs.
Gia, Pushing Tin, Gone in Sixty Seconds (I just like that movie), Taking Lives, Alexander, and let's not forget Girl Interrupted where she won an actual Academy Award for.

I think Tomb Raider had burned itself so deep in my brain that I forgot what she was capable of before that (not that she wasn't cool as ____ in both of them). Not that her prior stuff was so much more complex, but she aced what she attempted. Gia was some heavy ____, and there were no shades of overacting. Pushing Tin was typical fare, but still pretty great. Same with Gone in 60 Seconds. Same with Sky Captain. She was even really cool in Shark Tales.

It seems like that was all a long time ago. I bet that's what had me psyched to hear about The Tourist.
Gia, Pushing Tin, Gone in Sixty Seconds (I just like that movie), Taking Lives, Alexander, and let's not forget Girl Interrupted where she won an actual Academy Award for.

You have to remember though, the "A" list or the "B" list is less how great of an actor you are. There are a ton of fantastic actors and actresses who aren't A-Listers. What makes the high list is how profitable you are. Seth Rogen is considered an A-Lister according to the entertainment shows and trades. I doubt anyone would consider him a fantastic actor or even I'd wager a fantastic comedian. Fun sure and depending on your humor, pretty funny but at the same level as other A-Listers?

Miley Cyrus is a label, a brand, a license to print money, that is what makes her an A-Lister, as soon they aren't profitable they tumble. Look at almost all the 90s teen throbs.

I liked gone in 60 seconds..girl interrupted was pretty good too
Gia, Pushing Tin, Gone in Sixty Seconds (I just like that movie), Taking Lives, Alexander, and let's not forget Girl Interrupted where she won an actual Academy Award for.

You have to remember though, the "A" list or the "B" list is less how great of an actor you are. There are a ton of fantastic actors and actresses who aren't A-Listers. What makes the high list is how profitable you are. Seth Rogen is considered an A-Lister according to the entertainment shows and trades. I doubt anyone would consider him a fantastic actor or even I'd wager a fantastic comedian. Fun sure and depending on your humor, pretty funny but at the same level as other A-Listers?

Miley Cyrus is a label, a brand, a license to print money, that is what makes her an A-Lister, as soon they aren't profitable they tumble. Look at almost all the 90s teen throbs.

WAIT. Are you saying it's all about $?

