I am not trying to convince anybody. You make your own mind up.
I have the right to my opinion like everybody. I do not see how I have behaved any differently to anybody else when discussing Plainview's attire.
You haven't.
Teddy its all your fault!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
all this talk of clothing for our toys....
everyone in this thread has officially been entered into the running to present the next series of "queer eye for the straight doll"
I'm buying every ____ing one he makes so all you guys are up ____s creek anyway.
I'll let you rent one from me.
The outfit was chosen a very long time agothe poll was more for sheetz & giggles. RM is going with the Quail hunt outfit. Scroll back a few pages and you can see it and accessories.
What outfit did you vote for out of curiosity?
I'll let you rent one from me.
This might be a silly couple of questions, but I have to ask anyway...
1. Can anyone who is registered on Rainman's site purchase a figure set, or is there some separate approval or queue?
2. What is the actual likelihood of being able to get one of these DX sets? Do they go super fast (as in I have to be there immediately), or will it be possible to get one without having to sleep with my computer next to me?
Thanks in advance guys. Still new here and just trying to learn the ropes.
I'd LOVE to get my hands on some of his sold out stuff, but I suspect that most owners will be hanging on to them.
Anyone know if they come up for sale often?