And that's all I'm saying it's just preferance. But the fact is you don't have to pay $1000 for an Anton, everyone could have pushed Denny to do that w/ RM sculpting and it would satisfy that same urge at a far better price point while still having his artistic talents in play on it and opening up more time for him to focus on an all around more impressive piece. Thats all I'm getting at. RM is amazing but I don't want a $300 pair of RM Jeans.![]()
When I recieved my Stansfield ( the only fullset I've ever bought ) it felt special. I don't know if it was because I'd paid so much or because it wasn't a hot toys figure but it just felt worth it. I'd imagine it was mainly because I finally had my grail !. That was probably the simplest figure Rainman tackled but I don't regret spending a penny and I'd sell the Dude 100% before I sold it ( debating it actually with the price they seem to be fetching) so I guess for me it also boils down to the movie and love of the character.
I'll be hopefully picking up an Anton clothing set and sculpt and whilst I'd love to go for a full set for me personally it's about justifying $1000.00 for any other characters. I might just pick up a sculpt yet to stick on my brothers production figure.
As for the next figure I'd like to see Bickle or Torrance. The only personal grail I'll probably never see is an Oldboy.
You ever decide to let go of the Dude hicks please keep me in mind![]()
I agree with Deckard, I'd personally have Iminime over rainman any day when it comes to characters with simple costume design, with the exception of a few thick collars Iminime's tailoring is actually very good! and I'd sooner buy just a head sculpt alone if the characters clothing were easy to bash.
I may be a little biased in saying this as Doc is my only rainman figure and probably the top figure in my collection but I'm glad rainman did his outfit simply because I don't think anyone else other then say kato could have done that duster so well, and of all his looks in the movie that was the best outfit to go with as it would have been the hardest to bash.
Jack Torrence would be very bashable imo and I don't see the sense in paying more then you would need to to have a great representation of that character on your shelf when the same affect can be achieved with just a fantastic sculpt and bashed clothing.
Bickle on the other had I think could be made as well by Iminime then Rainman. Sometimes it feels that people just want there favorite character made only by a particular artist or spend a certain amount on it for it to be special when in reality they could have just as nice a figure by other means and at a much cheaper price! these same people end up selling off there prized pieces to fund the next, well if they had just got there characters at a cheaper price to begin with by means of bashing or not buying full sets then maybe they wouldn't have to sell half as much of there figures!![]()
I've had a few messages regarding my dude figure , just to let everyone know I'm not sure what I'm doing with it yet since it's one of those figures you know you'll regret selling straight away.![]()
Yeh think hard on that one Tay!
Whilst in the topic, I have a dude up for trade if the right rainman piece comes along.
Yes bud.
Speaking of satchels, done and ready to ship.
Which version of Tyler you after V2?