Looking forward to maintaining my status in Club FTF!![]()
Well then forget it. There is only one time of year I get to wear my Santa Hat codpiece.
Well then forget it. There is only one time of year I get to wear my Santa Hat codpiece.
1) That time span is irrelevant. It is how long it take us to go through all these entries and then prep the request!
2) Yes, they have
3) Some people asked to get their pre-orders reinstated. Thus you will see items on the mistress prize list page that haven't shipped yet! I am actually fulfilling wishes faster than the web team can post the icons for the prizes so please do not go by the icons as an accurate count of prizes given! Also not sure if their is a prize icon for every item or just one when three of those like items might be fulfilled.
For those of you who do receive an item, please post photos of the shipping box and then when you open it. We want to be able to share your excitement. I would also love to receive photos directly. who knows I may feature them on site or in our next catalog!
Club For the Fail. Haven't one anything in quite a looooooooong while.![]()
Oh, then allow me to join the club. Oh wait I did win a catalog at the door's of indecision at SDCC 2 years ago. So eat it loser.![]()
Almost 70 wishes fulfilled and counting! Some of the prizes given away were Speeder bike & Scout, Hulk PF, Boba bust, hellboy bust, etc!
For those of you who do receive an item, please post photos of the shipping box and then when you open it. We want to be able to share your excitement. I would also love to receive photos directly. who knows I may feature them on site or in our next catalog!
WHAT a Hulk PF?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you have anything that comes in gray and not a bust?
Chicky, but don't you think those type of prizes should have went out to the creative spook contests, like carving? Some low life coulda made a fib to get that prize.
My wish in here is for you guys to make a Sentinel LSB (light up). Galactus was too awsome, and I need another LSB of that capacity.
Almost 70 wishes fulfilled and counting! Some of the prizes given away were Speeder bike & Scout, Hulk PF, Boba bust, hellboy bust, etc!
Hulk PF?
I guess my request for a recently sold out item could actually happen.![]()
Almost 70 wishes fulfilled and counting! Some of the prizes given away were Speeder bike & Scout, Hulk PF, Boba bust, hellboy bust, etc!
You guys/gals are really amazing. We hope you feel our 'thank yous' when we purchase items from you. And I hope you get my Christmas card soon, too.