Well, I'm back to the thread for the first time in ages.... and I don't have any pictures! My father hasn't opened it yet!!
At Christmas we had to go to my brother's and once we loaded up the car with gifts and Christmas dinner (YES, we provide the food....don't ask...) we decided we needed to leave whatever we didn't have to take. That meant our gifts for each other and that box from Sideshow. Then we went and got snowed in!!
I love snow but getting snowed in at a motel isn't so fun. We had scenic views of parking lots and closed restaurants. Yeah, we hauled the food to my brother's but instead of the leftovers 15miles away, we had to hike to the nearest Wal-Mart for food. Still we managed some fun and snowball fights.
We ended up getting home a couple of days later than we intended, and when we got here there was a lot of post snow storm business to take care of everywhere. My father is mayor after all, and there are quite a few limbs and trees down around our shop too. The snow should finally melt now (forecast high tomorrow 53 and then 64 for New Years!!!).
Anyway, yesterday we finally exchanged gifts but my father decided to hold off on the gift from Sideshow. My father's birthday is tomorrow and he decided it would be fun to open it then. I can't believe that after looking forward to it so much he had the self control to wait. I expect him to open it sometime between the cake and the midnight fireworks. He even said how people were waiting to hear his reaction!
There is just one problem... I left my camera at my brother's!!!

My phone camera is a bit pathetic but I will try to use it if I can't arrange something better.. Here's hoping my next post will include a picture at least.