Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics
Hmm, now hes asking what is a DCD batch, Like what differences, so obviously he's claiming no knowledge about the situation because he said he checked and there was no oil problem.
Claiming ignorance, huh? What a dolt. His story changes with every PM.
I explained the difference,
Don't bother. He knows the difference. That's why in his original PM he said "Yes, DCD batch" instead of "What's a DCD batch?"
That's also why he sold it to you - he knew he could unload it on you at a full DCD batch price, because there's nothing you can do once you realize he's screwed you. Your financial and geographic situation make you quite vulnerable.
Don't play his game or waste time explaining anything.
(Not that it makes any difference, but I bet if you went through his entire post history, you'd find he had some activity in the threads where oily abs and batches were discussed - if he didn't outright post about them himself!)
I think Ill ask him to pay me difference between the price he bought it and the price I bought it off him.
He's lied to you before. You trust him to tell you the price he bought it for? Ask him for the difference between retail price and the price you bought it off him for.
Thanks for you suggestion. ATM im still wondering what to do and hoping to get some compensation from the seller. However like I said I love the piece in spite of its problems its beautiful, however I wont want to part with it until I have a DCD batman in my sight.
If you feel like you're going to want a DCDirect Batman, then you should part with the one you have ASAP. Waiting to sell it until you find another one to buy is a bad move, as you risk being unable to sell it at all.
Another idea is, if you get most of your money refunded and still want a DCDirect Batman, to keep what you've got and still get a new Batman. You'll have one leaky body and one good body - perfect for displaying both heads and both capes.
Maybe I can do a trade with someone who can want this figure + some extra $ and send me a DCD batch in return. (Its a LOOOONG Shot)
Long shot is right. I don't see someone who has the DCD batch choosing to trade it for an oily batch, just to make some surplus cash.
Well, for what it's worth, the DCD batch leaks too. The mods never really fixed anything. We've seen both leaky abs and leaky biceps on them.
Nope. Not true. Claims of leaky abs in the DCD batch were very isolated cases, and evidence pointed to them just being excess lubrication from under the suit that was overzealously applied by Hot Toys employees when slipping the suit over the Trretype (rather than coming from the rubber of the plates themselves).
Take the hate blinders off.
Tell me something 'Nam, do you take some sadistic pleasure in being a harbinger of bad news or is this your twisted way of assuaging me!
He takes every opportunity to trash the DX02. Not sure why, but he's really quite bitter about the figure and can't just leave it alone. It's unfortunate that it blinds him to the point where he's spreading falsehoods (as above).
No leaks and is the only TDK new suit that works with both the Tumbler and the Bat Pod.
From what axecutioner18's said of his situation, I don't think poseability on the Tumbler and Bat Pod is really going to be an issue for him
that V1 TDK body is like Batman on Steroids man!
Steroids and/or a steady diet of potato chips. He's got quite the beer gut!
I was wondering whether I could post a WTB Hot toys DX02 DCD batch BODY ONLY and see whether it could work
You can always try - but the body is the real difference between the DCDirect batch and the widespread Asian release. So it's unlikely that someone would be trying to sell the the most-demanded part of the figure (rather than the entirety of the figure).
that dreaded perv dealer from Bangkok, Thailand who (alleged by my friend) always asks 'you like girls? you want nice girls?' with a creepy grin when he is happy after selling off of his merchandise for a hefty price (got my DX01 and DX04+exclusive from him)
