While it would have taken nothing for them to throw in the same cigar they did with Dutch, I don't see it as a significant inclusion, and where they couldn't even be bothered to make the knife he actually used in the film, adding a minor item like the cigar would just make the knife detail sting more.
I don't think many people would even use the cigar with him, which is probably why it wasn't included. I don't know of many people that have shared their figures here that came with cigars or used one in the movie and used it for the figure. I haven't seen many Wolverines or Dutch figures using a cigar in the display.
It's not really a big part of Barney's character, I think they included it with Dutch because it was actually a big deal with Arnie smoking them in Predator, it's a thing that Arnie really loves his cigars and I think the inclusion of the accessory with him was as much about a nod to that as the character.