The Rambo 4 look is the epitomy of 20+ years of war experience.. Of Rambo being pushed to the limit of avoiding war, as he is at war for one last time.. It is the epitomy of the hardships he had endured, of what happened to him. His years on Earth went to waste because of those U.S. Citizens who viewed him as a goat, instead of the hero that he was.
I already have all the Rambo figures, and Rambo 4 is the most war-emotional figure.. That look on his face suggests deep anger & years of hatred towards the country he fought for during his prime.
Oh, yeah, man.. He's washed up & pudgy, but don't we buy action figures because we are inspired by the story behind it?
Hot Toys, bring on Rambo 4!!!!
not to throw this off topic for a sec but is Rambo better getting as the DVD boxed set or separate by itself? Im looking for the one with the most extras offered thanks.
thanks everyone so is this version included in the box set, Rambo IV extended
No, just the theatrical, you have to get the extended separate.
did any of you pick up Expendables on DVD today?
Not yet, getting it on my way home.
Blu-Ray is still very expensive here in our country, so I don't have a Blu-Ray Player yet.
What I have is the Quadrilogy in the 6-disc Complete Collector's Edition Format:
I scoured for the Rambo 4 Extended Edition, but it's not available here yet (sucks not being in the US/UK).. May have to order it online.
you know they are releasing the directors cut in a couple of months?