For those interested, GeeWhiz has a site where they post pics of their work aside from their Facebook page
I will say, don't be surprised if they turn your commission request away. I see all the cool stuff they make for other ppl and everytime I contact them for a project, they say it's "too complicated" or "not possible" even though I've seen them do similar work for so many of their other projects. Not sure if it's b/c I'm not one of the heavy 1/6 hitters or b/c it's not a big run, so it's not worth their time

They do great work, though as I've had their stuff from well before they were as big as they are now. Back then, I had 4 projects done by them with no questions asked. Now, I can't even seem to get one project done by them.
Here's the GeeWhiz suit on the M31:
I know it's not the Yunsil but they're similar. I used to have both. Yunsil has a bit better quality but you can't go wrong with either IMO.
and on the HT Reeve body: