I personally wished they included two sets. One like the set is out of the box. Goggles ready to slide down. Then I would have kept the other set for the goggles in the lady look. Pop them on and off between looks.
As I found buttoning the mask was easy but, when I read the instructions several times, I couldn't get the goggles to rotate. What! The goggles aren't rotating according to the manual. Checked and checked again. This rotation mechanism is locked. Had to take the mask set off. Inspected it closer. Didn't want to break it with it still on the head. Upon looking closer it was only rotating inwards. Then upon more inspection, it did start to move the proper way but it required a fair bit of force. Very slow manipulation for it to move. Section at a time. Very very careful. *tension building* Was thinking of a few drips of baby oil into the joints.
But meh! I'm leaving it where it is. She always had the glasses above her head. Only a mere few seconds it was down in the movie, though it was neat. Scary how thin those mounts and the little rotating joints are.
I really wished Hot Toys included two sets. It's easier to take the mask off with the goggles all set than it is to keep rotating.