I have been lurking this topic for about a year, and finally received my Hot Toys Selina today.
Although it has been touched upon a number of occasions in this topic, I cannot STRESS how fragile the mask/goggles combo is! I literally took it out of the packaging, slicked Selina's hair, attempted to fasten the back of the goggles around her head, which I realized was basically impossible. Instead I slid the fastened goggles over her head... all was good. However, I decided to take them off and slick her hair down again. When I went to put them back on the back fasten kept popping open. Third attempt to put the mask on, they broke. I can't stress how gingerly I was attempting to put on the mask; I literally had just read how fragile it is prior to the delivery coming...
Ugh. Annoyed. First Hot Toys figure... broke it in like... 5 minutes flat.