No, I hear ya.
But something like a tire or spoiler, right?
yeah definatly, i think the tire would look awesome, but there arent any in the scene, do people care? can i just make it look as bad as$ as possible? or what?
No, I hear ya.
But something like a tire or spoiler, right?
Wow! Impressive display for sure!
I also recognize all the MOTUC on the top shelf.
So, that right there is 17" width and 20" length, correct?
How tall do you anticipate it to be with the audience behind the guardrail?
It's all good. Not a poser at all. These were all fun cartoons back in the day.yeah im a big poser, was born in 86, and just got into all these guys now. so i ahve almost no nostalgia for it, i was a TMNT kid.
yeah its 17 out from the wall, and 19-20 across. it wont be taller than the fencing, the crowd will just be behind the fence.
and if you collect motuc, ive got just the diorama for you, hint hint. you post on the matty FB?
17 wide x 19-20 long x ? height? Sorry if I missed it.
Another question I have for you Bishart is in regards to the posing you have on this dio. Since I currently have no Hot Toys figures I don't understand how they don't fall over on display without a proper base. How do they stay put?
its 20 inches from the left side to the right side, and 17 inches from the back to the front, the height is over a foot. i havent mentioned it, to the top of the fence.
i never use stands for any of my hot toys, they all stand pretty well, ive never had any fall over, just gotta pose them good. youre in for a big treat man once they start coming in! theya re the best thing ever, ive only been collecting a few months and i have almost 24. its a snowballing hobby youll never feel good about haha
Agreed.youre in for a big treat man once they start coming in! theya re the best thing ever, ive only been collecting a few months and i have almost 24. its a snowballing hobby youll never feel good about haha
I also have to contain my impulses and have limited myself to just two lines. Iron Man and Predators.I've told myself that I'm limiting my scope to Iron Man pieces initially since they are being produced currently and somewhat available.![]()
i tried limiting, it was just iron man, and then batman, and then now its predators, and now tron, and custom killzones, and half life, i wont be doing terminator or anyting like that... im pretty specific about my displays, so i wont just get a little of everything.
but when i began, i started with iron man and war machine, and told myself i wouldnt be getting any figure with cothing, because then its a doll.. well now im a doll collector, starting with mech test, then 2 face, and then everyone. haha.
Wow that's my worst fears come true
Actually, good for you. You only live once and if you can afford to collect like that then more power to you. I definitely can't go that berserk, and I don't have room to display a vast collection like that...................I think.![]()
If you stick around here in these forums, finding room to display your figures will become a big problem.Wow that's my worst fears come true
Actually, good for you. You only live once and if you can afford to collect like that then more power to you. I definitely can't go that berserk, and I don't have room to display a vast collection like that...................I think.![]()
If you stick around here in these forums, finding room to display your figures will become a big problem.![]()
Glass? Wow, that's going to be quite heavy once you start stacking or doing a side-by-side on one shelf.ive got about 24 14 inch by 14 in glass cubes on the way. going to have an awesome display.