Super Freak
Another flaw I think is it feels "stiff"...something that other fighting games like Tekken and Soul Calibur do not. It could very well be because those fighting games are more in depth in the "flow" of the moves, while MK has NEVER BEEN.
You could basically button mash in SC and Tekken and actually pull some moves off...with MK you can't and cause the action to become rigid at a lot of points.
Just recieved my copy today (at long last, am never using Gamestop again) they've gotten rid of the dial-a-combo's. I'd say the fighting system feels smoother shan SC4, I will confess I never got to grips with Tekken, never really did anything for me.
But the fighting system for MK vs DC has felt very smooth and fluid and after chasing it for a week it's been well worth the wait.
just got gamefly for the holiday break and this is on the top of my list. arethere any online modes on this??? btw i have the 360 version on the way so i can get the achievements.
Haven't had a chance to check the full scope of the online mode, but there's obviously the 1 on 1
Nice thing is, it also includes "trophies" for those on us on the PS3