Re: Enterbay Mr. Bean pix up
Got my Bean today and have just pulled it out of the box.
Already I have suggestions for a number of areas where Enterbay can improve. The negatives. First thing I checked was the eye movement and found the cavity isn't big enough, in that the stalks controlling the eye movement are severely restricted, resulting in the eyes only able to look across the horizon and below. The neck is one piece with the body and the head cannot be angled back either, so again it is across and down movement only. The heads sideways movement is firm, but the forwards only movement is loose and floppy. The wig doesn't have any magnets, so it easily falls off. The legs are restricted from bending very far back, from the hip joint. The shirt, at the neck and cuffs don't do up. The tie is attached via a plastic loop that feels like it will break if I try to remove it over the figures head. You have to remove the head to do it. The clothes are synthetic. The coat has a lining that is only incorporated up the sides and across the upper back. The box could have been smaller. It looks like Enterbay are going to use this size plain cardboard box for both figure and accessories. One box for the figure and the other for the accessories, which in this case, only fill half of one box. Making for a waste of space just like what Hot Toys do. With shipping calculated on size, in many places, this proves costly to the consumer.
The positives. The sculpt is fantastic and the paint is very natural, with subtle variations through the cheeks. The five o'clock shadow is very well done. The clothes look good because the material is so thin, and they are very well tailored and fitting. All joints on mine were tight. I like the fact that the body is a solid piece and not hollow.
The figure itself lies in a foam bed, wrapped in tissue paper. On mine the nose was poking through this paper, but I can't see where it would be possible for it to get a nose rub, due to the foam encasing it, rendering it immobile. I think it probably broke through when it was wrapped in the factory.
The box is very similar to the Enterbay Fists of Fury box. I'm wondering if they are going to make this the standard. All the earlier Bruce Lee's had very innovative and imaginative boxes, as well as the Jet Li. Looks like they are cutting down on that expense. I expect more from the body. It should at least be able to replicate the normal joes body movements. I don't expect a contortionists mobility, but the head and particularly the eyes on this figure need to be able to look up.
Is it worth $150? Probably not, but then I don't think Hot Toys figures are worth that either. Happy that I got it cheaper on an ebay auction.