MR black spidey 3 statue update

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Honestly if the SSC piece isn't close to 1/4 scale I won't buy it. I have really no interest in smaller statues.....PFs have spoiled me. :monkey5
As much as I like all the pieces that are coming out, the funds won't allow more than probally just one purchase. I think having different pieces in different scales and price ranges allows more collectors to purchase them. Not everyone can afford the PF's and not everyone can afford to get everything that comes out.
actually looks quite nice (especially with the backdrop), however I don't think I like it enough to buy it. I also don't like the '3' in the bottom right hand corner, that spoils it for me.
I don't have any experience buying from MR, but maybe other collectors here that do can help me out with some information.

Does it usually take a really long time between the preorder and the release, because the Spider-Man masks and Captain America shield were announced at least nine months ago and they still haven't made an appearance yet.

I quite like the smaller statues because they take up less room and this one is quite detailed so I'm tempted to pick it up.

I'll wait and see what SSC comes up with as their statues are also great and depending on price I may pick theirs up instead.

Undecided at moment:D
Master Replicas' lead time from PreOrder to Shipment is usually around 6 months. There have been pieces that have shipped sooner, I think the fastest was the Luke ANH EE which shipped about two months later if not sooner but usually you've got at least 6 months. If you talk to those whom delved into the helmets though those orders were active for over a calendar just depends on what issues arise...
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Hi everyone,

I wanted to correct some incorrect information about the MR Black Symbiote Spiderman. The staue is indeed 1/6 scale and NOT 1/12. I have contacted MR to hopefully get this information corrected.

I also note that the Sideshow is remarkably similar... Just FYI, the MR statue debuted at the fall NYC toyfair as a fully painted prototype in October 2006. Here's a better picture:


Thank you,

It is a rather odd situation with all these S3 pieces coming from all directions. I guess they can't all be completely original.

Not a bad price though.
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The Mike said:
Master Replicas' lead time from PreOrder to Shipment is usually around 6 months. There have been pieces that have shipped sooner, I think the fastest was the Luke ANH EE which shipped about two months later if not sooner but usually you've got at least 6 months. If you talk to those whom delved into the helmets though those orders were active for over a calendar year....
Actually the Luke ANH EE shipped in two waves. The first 300 shipped immediately. I think mine shipped either the day it was ordered or the next day and the second wave was shipped a few weeks later.
Good to see you finally join Mark and hopefully you can continue to share your sculpting input on this board. The full scene looks good.
Darkshadowcollectibles said:
Good to see you finally join Mark and hopefully you can continue to share your sculpting input on this board. The full scene looks good.

Thanks for the welcome Adam. Sorry it took me so long to actually register- I guess it took a bit of incorrect information to get me to, although I HAVE been lurking occasionally. Honestly, I probably won't intrude here often even though I am a fan of Sideshow just like everyone else, due to the circumstances.


That has got to be proto, there is the hexagon texture missing from the non webbed pieces....with a statue that is a non negotiable.
Yeah i gotta say if he doesnt get proper texture and detail i'll be thoroughly dissapointed and then sit and hope that sideshow does him justice. Cause frankly based off of their venom statue, i think they could knock spiderman out of the park and honestly it might even be better, since i dont really need the whole dio scene, and would prefer him on a larger scale (6" scale is action figures, not statues).