MRM Complete resculpt of 2.0 Joker w/ real hair. OPEN FOR SEPTEMBER!

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Hasn't this happened before? With the 14 other joker heads that he's offered?

I fully supported Zack in the beginning I bought over five different Joker heads from him or got from a trade but after he started just tweaking small things on them and then reselling everything I was done with him.

So a recast with added hair. I'd still don't understand how he was able to sell those here on the freaks.

I hope you guys get your stuff back or your money never do business with this clown again
I was going to drop the PayPal dispute this morning. I just told him I work allot of hours and have kids. I said no matter how busy I was I would take the time to post updates. Only takes a few minutes. So I wake up this morning and there was Zach's angry email. The ***** on this guy.
I'm going to hop in and say that I did get a note from Zack yesterday who said that he has finished my pieces and just needs to get out to mail them. He apologized for the delay, mentioned his 9-5 and the fact that he has no car, getting to the post, etc. Look, I can't say one way or the other, but I'm gonna give the benefit of the doubt. I had checked some of his older threads after this whole thing started boiling up and saw that he has come through on all projects in the past but there have been some bumps in the road. I worked with a number of sculptors who are notoriously slow and/or not great at time management so this is not something completely new. The lack of communication has exacerbated this situation, and there's a lot of money hanging out there. That said, it's possible that it simply is just really tough and stressful for the guy especially if he doesn't have a car right now. This project likely ended up being a bigger job than thought. I'm not saying give him a full pass. Heck I still have $400 worth of stuff out there as well, and I want to get what I paid for. But I can be patient a while longer. I think folks are completely in their rights to file a paypal claim. But expletives aside, I can read the stress and anxiety in that note. At the end of the day let's hope this all works out for everyone. No reason for the hobby to get ruined for anyone.
I'm sorry to say this again but that excuse "working from 9-5 and no car" IS NOT an excuse.

I'm working from 9am to 6pm from monday to friday and I have no car and I have a kid.

Still I post on this board and send packages everyday.

No communications is bad business.

That is shocking. If he has had enough with us, maybe he should have used a better shipping method? Stopped taking orders monthly?How is this our fault that he decided to sell something and not deliver. Sure, your laptop might have broke, you might have no car, the post office is being a P.I.T.A but is this really something to lash onto your customers. That email was a full out rage post and frankly, it's unacceptable. Keep my $45 dollars dude, you might need it for the laptop.
Got an email from Zach saying its the post office's fault and again they can be held in customs for 6 months.
Just got an angry email from this prick after I filed a paypal claim against him. Here's what he wrote
"i was also having internet issues then my laptop took a crap and have just been able to get the both taken care of. it wasn't that i don't care to respond just couldn't. everyone is going to get their ****, and if you want your's i really suggest you drop the claim.
lso i've given my contact info out on freaks a number of times both my email and cell number in the first page of some of the threads because that stupid pm box gets filled up so fast and is a pain in the *** to sort through and clean out. next time try contacting me first before you decide to be a moronic sheep and listen to others and make assumptions about **** you have no ****ing clue about. i'm so ****ing sick and tired of everyone's bull**** with these ****ing heads, i don't control the post office, and i'm doing the best i can for everyone. once everyone get their **** i quit, all you ****ing whinny *** little *****es have ruined this hobby for me. sorry you're getting brunt of this, but this was the straw that broke my back and now i'm pissed. drop the the claim or **** off."

Man that's hilarious/terrible.
Talk about lumping us all into one category. This will be my 3rd head from him and as a repeat customer I feel insulted and extremely disappointed. None of us have done anything wrong, he should have been honest with us and just said ' look guys, this thing is getting me down, please allow me more time.' I can't help but think that if we do ever see the heads, will they even be the same quality as the old ones?

I'd be interested to see if he has a tracking number for me as I paid $50.00 for EMS.
No joke guys I was really going to drop the claim . That was the first thing I was going to do today. But the way this cat came at me and all of us was wrong. Period. So F this guy. It’s sucks it had to come to this. He’s so talented, but a bigger jagoff. All I wanted was some updates. I didn’t ask for the Joker head. Heck if he needed 6 months to a year I would be ok with it. Just as long as I know what’s going on.
Same response I received. Pretty much drop the claim or you will get nothing

Isn't that the point of the claim? You already have nothing to show for it. Not even an update. Which is why you filed the claim. I don't understand why he's so damn angry about it. This is all coming from the fact that he has yet to deliver his part of the deal.
Exactly what I responded to him. I have sent him over $900, in the past 6 months and have nothing to show for it. $200 of it I was still eligible to put in a claim for, so I did exactly that

All he had to do was stand by his many promises made, and to ship the items

And especially since he has been to the post office in the recent week, as I noted he sold an item in another thread and shipped it and the buyer recieved. This no time for the post office B.S doesn't stand up anymore
Imo its nothing about, post offices, missing packages, laptop, etc...
I think he put too much things in his plate at same time ( a lot of jokers, thors and bats) and didnt abble to do all at same time.
Otherwise who asked for ems at least deserve recieve the tracking number ( wich they didnt get it)
All the probl is lack of comunication and this really bad attitude.
Another response from this P.O.S. If this idiot thinks he could screw me over he has something coming. Trust me.

" no. you're the only one who's gonna get ****ed now, you stupid *******. i'm going to make sure everyone gets their heads, but you. should have just ****ing listened to me before.