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well yeah, i mean the Asajj Ventress PF was 249.....but the Darth Talon was your prob right, it will most likely be somewhere between 280 and 300 :(

Still gettin it though :lecture

Okay, guys. let's get back on topic. I wonder what the base looks like?

I hope it's better the the past couple of PF bases. All the PFs have bases so plain that it's sad. Compare the PF bases to the comiquettes: Mystique's skull base or the back in black Spidey base or even the Venom base. Detail is lacking and they are too simplistic.
I hope it's better the the past couple of PF bases. All the PFs have bases so plain that it's sad. Compare the PF bases to the comiquettes: Mystique's skull base or the back in black Spidey base or even the Venom base. Detail is lacking and they are too simplistic.

I'm thinking the Avenger's logo on the base like Gambit....I could be wrong. Hopefully.
I hope it's better the the past couple of PF bases. All the PFs have bases so plain that it's sad. Compare the PF bases to the comiquettes: Mystique's skull base or the back in black Spidey base or even the Venom base. Detail is lacking and they are too simplistic.

Cap and Thor both have really cool bases. I wish they would make some consistency in the bases and keep them environmental, I think those are the best.
Maybe it will be like crumbled debris, where she smashed someone or something or like the classic Iron Man Comiquette with the flag.
I saw the base. It is a huge pile of panties. She stands on a huge pile of panties. The Women's Lib movement is going to freak out again.
Rubble with detailing and scattered parts of villains would be nice :p

That would work for me.
