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HA! I was right about the base! I rock again!:rock

Regular will suffice. I prefer the open mask as oppose to the EX. I just find it cartoony. I'm still gunnin' for that PPO just so I can piss a few people off!:lecture


So do you like the base jinxx?

I think that's why I like the closed mask cos it's cartoony. :p I guess they catered to both demographics here which was their aim, so pretty good job.
Wonder Woman would kick Ms Marvels ass back to obscurity LOL.

Great job Tim really fantastic sculpt. I prefer the regular portrait to the exclusive.

I think the hair on the exclusive should have been flowing the opposite direction to match the red sash. Unless of course the sash can be moved to flow in the opposite direction.

The sash looks posable to me with one of those embedded wires.
At first, thought of not getting her cos she looks nothing special... but after looking at the pic.. man!! I like the base!!

A 'must get' statue again!! ;)
She looks tremendous. I am so gonna try and get in on the PPO. This would only be my second PF (HellboyII being the other)
Binary is a whole 'nother animal. And WW survived the fires of Hades and Binary hit her limit when she fired up the Starjammers engines and she's more powerful out in space. different discussion. Can't wait to get this PF

I told my boyfriend that my Ms. Marvel PF is going to kick his Wonder Woman PF's butt and knock her off the shelf lol.
I don't care who would win the fight, I just want to see them rip their costumes off each other! :D

Sideshow needs to get DC licencing.... :p

Come on DC!!!! :(
I know but the fact that it's on a Superman show named Smallville, and the fact that either SSC contacted WB or vice versa leads me to believe that bridges are being built. Not that I don't love me some DCD though.
Never happen, DC seems happy with their in house stuff.