Premium Format Ms. Marvel Premium Format

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The ex looks like ____. The reg is definitely the way to go. I'm not stressing about the PO since I'll probably go elsewhere for it.
The whole paint job lacks tone though. What I do like, is they got the costume and body sculpt spot on, the nicely colored skin tight suit looks fab on her, definitely better than the PFs before. Base like I said before is nothing special, kinda plain but nothing to hate on (at least there is some shading on it). I think Tim did a pretty good job on the sculpt.

I dunno, from the pics I think the paint job looks amazing as long as she ships like that. I haven't really read anything bad about paint jobs on the premium formats, have their been lately or something?
I usually do not buy the PF's because they take up too much space and cost too much but I can't pass up on this one because it's Ms. Marvel and Tim did it. I did preorder Gambit though because I've always had a thing for him :D

A romantic moonlit flight through the mountains, Cherie?

The ex looks like ____. The reg is definitely the way to go. I'm not stressing about the PO since I'll probably go elsewhere for it.

Strangely, I like the ex except for the squished hair, the overdone lips on the ex kinda turns me off (although the hair is way better).
I dunno, from the pics I think the paint job looks amazing as long as she ships like that. I haven't really read anything bad about paint jobs on the premium formats, have their been lately or something?

I think after seeing Gambit's short haired head, I'm a little spoiled for paint jobs. I haven't really liked that many of the face sculpts due to bland painting. Punisher does look good though, they seem to have taken to time to add tones to his face but then I guess that's easy cos his face is almost as big as like Mount Rushmore.
looks like heather graham

Yummy, me likey! :monkey5

Looks pretty sweet. *runs back to the dc board*
Don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out. :D
I think her lips look fine. And I agree about the open mask looking more real world. I never understood why putting on a mask suddenly turns your eyes white. I explain it with Batman by assuming that he has some sort of special lenses that give him a more frightening presence by having the white eyes and I figure they can be used for nightvision etc too. Ms. Marvel however can't really use that explanation...
I think her lips look fine. And I agree about the open mask looking more real world. I never understood why putting on a mask suddenly turns your eyes white. I explain it with Batman by assuming that he has some sort of special lenses that give him a more frightening presence by having the white eyes and I figure they can be used for nightvision etc too. Ms. Marvel however can't really use that explanation...

True. But every other character in the comics suddenly doesn't have eyeballs. I guess I just got used to the look and find it cool :) I doubt any of their powers can really be explained logically anyways so why start with the eyes? :monkey5
Depends too if you like 1/4 scale stuff then PFs will be the way to go forward since they are making comiquettes hopefully that size you can mix them up. I'll probably pass on this myself though since I'm not that into Ms. Marvel and the paint is kinda has the slapped on feel to me. I guess I'll PO then think a little more... :x

Thanks for the advice. The fact that I'm a fan of Ms. Marvel doesn't make it easy. I think I'll pass in hopes that they make a AH Ms. Marvel. But who knows, after 10am Feb 5th you may see my post saying "Ms. Marvel Ex preordered!!" Cheers.
Thanks for the advice. The fact that I'm a fan of Ms. Marvel doesn't make it easy. I think I'll pass in hopes that they make a AH Ms. Marvel. But who knows, after 10am Feb 5th you may see my post saying "Ms. Marvel Ex preordered!!" Cheers.

Yeah, I get what you're saying. Don't let the hype pull you in if you're not 100% sure but if you change your mind and decide to then good luck! I would have loved for this to been a comiquette instead of a PF but I can't pass on her, she looks too good to me.

I told my boyfriend that my Ms. Marvel PF is going to kick his Wonder Woman PF's butt and knock her off the shelf lol.
I think after seeing Gambit's short haired head, I'm a little spoiled for paint jobs. I haven't really liked that many of the face sculpts due to bland painting. Punisher does look good though, they seem to have taken to time to add tones to his face but then I guess that's easy cos his face is almost as big as like Mount Rushmore.

In the beginning for me I didn't pay much attention to that kind of stuff but now paint jobs can make it or break it.
Thanks for the advice. The fact that I'm a fan of Ms. Marvel doesn't make it easy. I think I'll pass in hopes that they make a AH Ms. Marvel. But who knows, after 10am Feb 5th you may see my post saying "Ms. Marvel Ex preordered!!" Cheers.

Hmm, didn't know you were a fan of Ms Marvel because I'm not really one. I'm not sure if they will make a comiquette for her though, so this may be your best bet and I don't want to screw it up :p Better PO first and think about it for a bit. :lol
Hmm, didn't know you were a fan of Ms Marvel because I'm not really one. I'm not sure if they will make a comiquette for her though, so this may be your best bet and I don't want to screw it up :p Better PO first and think about it for a bit. :lol

Very good point
Yeah, I get what you're saying. Don't let the hype pull you in if you're not 100% sure but if you change your mind and decide to then good luck! I would have loved for this to been a comiquette instead of a PF but I can't pass on her, she looks too good to me.

I told my boyfriend that my Ms. Marvel PF is going to kick his Wonder Woman PF's butt and knock her off the shelf lol.

I agree with you completely. She looks too good to me too. Ms. Marvel rocks. A comiquette would be awesome but knowing me I'll probably preorder this Ms. Marvel anyway and think about it for the months to come. Hahah, love the PF violence!
In the beginning for me I didn't pay much attention to that kind of stuff but now paint jobs can make it or break it.

Yeah BC, that's the thing, I'm relatively new to collecting and have gotten 3 really good pieces right off the bat (BIB Spidey, com. Mystique, Olivetti's Venom) which came with pretty good paint jobs. But I look at some of the other pieces in the past, and I see how much it has improved. So I think my threshold has been artificially inflated from those that started out earlier. To me a good paint can do so much to a sculpt. I mean I've seen some really painful shots recently of PFs where the eyes don't even look the same way and the owner claiming the piece is awesome.... and these are 200$+ pieces. I guess I just don't understand the majority.
Yeah, I get what you're saying. Don't let the hype pull you in if you're not 100% sure but if you change your mind and decide to then good luck! I would have loved for this to been a comiquette instead of a PF but I can't pass on her, she looks too good to me.

I told my boyfriend that my Ms. Marvel PF is going to kick his Wonder Woman PF's butt and knock her off the shelf lol.

Wonder vs Ms Marvel would be a good fight. lol
Hmm, didn't know you were a fan of Ms Marvel because I'm not really one. I'm not sure if they will make a comiquette for her though, so this may be your best bet and I don't want to screw it up :p Better PO first and think about it for a bit. :lol

Thats a great point. Hahaha. I'm sold! I guess I'm pretty easy to sway especially when it comes to my collecting addiction.
I'm really loving this, she's gorgeous. So glad the regular is the one I want too. Never a big fan of Ms. Marvel but I do love Rogue and they have history... :lol