Mummy PF SSE Limited to 50: SS Lottery

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Yup. Im still ticked about the PF spidey fiasco.

By the way, whats going on with the forums? Pages are loading weird and taking forever...:monkey4
nash said:
Yup. Im still ticked about the PF spidey fiasco.

By the way, whats going on with the forums? Pages are loading weird and taking forever...:monkey4
I don't blame you on Negative Spidey. That thing was an all around **** up. Especially because they put the product links up before they were available. i still think you would have even less of a chance of getting something rare if they keep going the lottery route however.
Lottery stinks and I am not even interested in this piece. How many people are going to throw their hat into the ring just to see the outcome? I feel bad for the people who collect this line and really would like to add it to their collection. Sure, if they want it bad enough, they will pay "e-bay prices", but they shouldn't have to because they didn't win a lottery. Sideshow usually lets us know when pieces go and sale and we can make arrangements to try and order something at that time. It works so much better on a first come first served basis
It's late here in Chicagoland:google :google :google , it is the day before Christmas :monkey5 and I am still up reading about this item and the upcoming auction:rotfl .

Anyway, I do not think any method Sideshow sells these very limited items will make everyone happy. So I have been trying to look for some sort of idea that would make sense for Sideshow and that a majority of us collectors who spend our hard earned money can agree on as well. Fact (or so I believe) the inclusive method is out! As it seems Sideshow has determined not to tell us how many of an item is sold and it makes it hard to have a limited piece without telling us the size of the edition. The lottery (3 days?) seems likely to fail if the percentage of posts here can be believed. Still the lottery system has worked for years in buying tickets to sporting events and concerts so I san see the legitimacy of the idea. First come first serve is also a bad idea. The PS3/Wii comparison is a good one I think. I waited in line for the Wii, was twelfth in line or so I thought. Friends of friends were "in line" and instead of being twelfth I was more like 30th. Same thing happens here. If everyone only had one computer and only had one acct and if everyone had the same speed connection and everyone had the same chance to get an item then rock on. I have seen enough multiple exclusive items on EBay listed by the same seller to know that is not true! So it is not truly a fair race as it has been called not to mention the time zone differences. They simply do not allow marathoners to have buddies run miles for them or let some use wheelies while others have to run bare footed! I for one like the idea of using our reward points. Sideshow could simply say that in order to enter the lottery you need to have x amount of reward points. Sideshow could make the needed reward points be lower or higher depending on the nature of the item being sold. Simple, or so it seems to me...I am sure some will challenge this idea, and that would be goodm but a first blush it seems to work and as I said seems simple enough for everyone to understand.

Anyway, that is my piece on the subject. I for one will not be entering this fray, very cool item but if I add one more line to my collections my wife is likely to throw me out of the house! I wish all of you who would want this piece get it. To every have a very merry Christmas and I look forward to being more involved in the site in '07.

P.S. I know it is not but what I would not do for a good Doctor Who 12" line this Christmas. Like I said don't know how I could get it past the wife, but I would certainly try. Peace
why don't they put up the item with a non-cancellation policy.
they could charge a 10-50% deposit.

and don't mention the edition size. allthough not mentioning this is a bit on the edge too.

I guess there is no system to make all happy, but the lottery system is the worst they could've come up with! The old system wasn't flawless, but very good.
Kookie said:
JS...Have you really given serious thought about this. What if you go 0/5 with these lotteries and miss out on the products you would kill would hate Sideshow.

Yep, I've thought about it. Yes, It would suck if by some chance I missed
out on 5 items that I just HAD to have for my collection, but then I'd just
choose to pay for them at the going rate. (or from a boardmember who
would choose to sell the item at cost...........sometimes happens)

I wouldn't hate Sideshow at all. Which would bother you more - not getting
an item because Sideshow tried to be as fair as possible to the most amount
of collectors, or not getting an item because member X got 3-5 of them due
to having friends helping them out to accomplish that.

Again - I'm on both sides of the flipping fence, and I'm more detached about
collectibles to try and keep a level head. Nobody NEEDS these items. We
want them, and would like to have them, but they are a choice - not a life-
and-death item by any stretch of the imagination. Even when I missed out
on the Neg. Zone Spidey I didn't whine or gripe about it. I stated that I was
looking for the piece, and I paid the price for it. My choice.

I love being passionate about collecting things, but in the grand scheme of
things, they really are very unimportant, and as such I usually don't get bent
out of shape any more about missing an item.

Merry Christmas to all!

JS :)
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RoboDad said:
I don't. (see below)

OK, now I'm really confused. You think it is possible that one person could order all 50 of the statues? That would be physically impossible, even if someone were able to maintain 50 separate accounts. The chance of one person getting all 50 orders in (even with help on 50 different computers) before other customers complete their orders is incomprehensible to me.

But, be that as it may, you are mistaken in your belief that this will lead to more happy customers. It will, I am quite confident, lead to significantly fewer of them.

Of course I don't think that one person could get all 50 items.
I stated that I was being extreme in my example to make a point.
I do however think it would be possible for somebody to get 2-5 of
a limited item with the help of friends and a T1 connection, and that
isn't fair to the people with only 1 account who are doing what they
are supposed to do to get their 1 item for their collection, only to have
it be purchased by joblo along with his other 4 to sell.

RoboDad said:
If I get picked, great. If I don't I will be livid with rage at Sideshow. Not because I didn't get the piece I dearly want, because their insanely stupid lottery process PREVENTED me from being able to get it on my own merit.

These expendable, mass-produced, absolutely unnecessary items really mean
enough to you to make you livid with rage!? Surely I'm passionate about my
collecting, but NOT to the point of it affecting my mode in that fashion.

So would you be livid with rage at X customer or boardmember who purchased
one of the ultra-rare items with the intention of selling it instead of keeping it?
Or would you be livid with rage at x customer or boardmember who purchases
more than one of the items, in effect taking yours from you?

By golly RD, statues just aren't important enough to get so upset over! (to me)

RoboDad said:
There are two ways one can "win" something. It can be done through pure dumb luck (as in a lottery), or it can be done through perseverance and effort, as in winning a race. I much prefer the latter form of winning for myself. At least then, if I lose, I know it was because of my own lack of effort.

It might not be your lack of effort though. I was setting right at my computer
when ALL the B&W items went up for sale, and I missed EVERY SINGLE ONE.
Yep, I was annoyed about it..........for about 5 minutes or so. Never livid though.
Just because you're setting at the ready, doesn't mean you'll be successful
on your order either, as I've found out repeatedly.

RoboDad said:
On the other hand, if I lose in this lottery, and am forced to pay eBay prices, I will place the blame squarely on Sideshow's shoulders, and they will pay the ultimate price (in my canceled orders necessitated to "pay the piper").

Nobody is forced to do anything though. You chose to pay Ebay prices if
you miss out on something direct from Sideshow, and you want it bad enough
to set on your shelf to look at, as I did with Neg. Spidey and Grey Hulk vs Spidey.

RoboDad said:
Oh, and if/when that happens, and I call to cancel many of my orders, I will tell Sideshow in no uncertain terms why I am canceling them, namely their own stupidity.

The fairest way I can think of for low ES items to be ordered, is to not post
the ES on any items when they're first up for order. That would allow the items
to sell on their own merits, and NOT due to a low edition size.

People could just chose to order everything that comes out, and cancel once
the es is set, but that would be an extreme example I suppose, and not everybody
would do such a thing.

To prevent that, sideshow could start a cancellation fee of 5 to 15%, but I'm
sure that would be far more a heated debate than the lottery system is now.

I have to say in closing, that it is nice to be able to express opposing viewpoints
here with you RD (and everybody else) in an intelligent and civilized manner.
Lets have fun bouncing ideas back and forth, and thanks for the lively debate!

Merry Christmas to all!

JS :)
JSAuctionService said:
Yep, I've thought about it. Yes, It would suck if by some chance I missed
out on 5 items that I just HAD to have for my collection, but then I'd just
choose to pay for them at the going rate. (or from a boardmember who
would choose to sell the item at cost...........yeah right)

I wouldn't hate Sideshow at all. Which would bother you more - not getting
an item because Sideshow tried to be as fair as possible to the most amount
of collectors, or not getting an item because member X got 3-5 of them due
to having friends helping them out to accomplish that.

Again - I'm on both sides of the flipping fence, and I'm more detached about
collectibles to try and keep a level head. Nobody NEEDS these items. We
want them, and would like to have them, but they are a choice - not a life-
and-death item by any stretch of the imagination. Even when I missed out
on the Neg. Zone Spidey I didn't whine or gripe about it. I stated that I was
looking for the piece, and I paid the price for it. My choice.

I love being passionate about collecting things, but in the grand scheme of
things, they really are very unimportant, and as such I usually don't get bent
out of shape any more about missing an item.

Merry Christmas to all!

JS :)

JS...I would be more pissed if I missed out due to the lottery than if 1 person had 3 accounts and got 3 and I missed one. With the lottery I have absolutely no control while at least if my fingers were quick and I loaded the correct page I have a shot. This whole lottery thing has been bugging me since Friday and I don't even want the SSE Mummy. I'm more upset at what the future holds for lottery systems on Star Wars, LOTR, and Marvel items. I swear to you know if a lottery system in used for an item in one of those lines I will go BERSERK....AND HEAR ME NOW...I WILL EVEN JOIN THE KRUSADERS AND WILL BRING DOWN ENTERNAL HELL FIRE ON THE WHOLE STATE OF CALIFORNIA EVEN THOUGH SIDESHOW TAKES UP AN EXTREMELY SMALL PORTION!!!
Has anyone or even Sideshow thought about what happens to the waitlist ??

50 people "win" one, let's say 40 buy it and 10 cancel it.
Who or what system decides in what order people or called from the waiting list ?
And how will the waiting list be fulfilled ?
Vince said:
Has anyone or even Sideshow thought about what happens to the waitlist ??

50 people "win" one, let's say 40 buy it and 10 cancel it.
Who or what system decides in what order people or called from the waiting list ?
And how will the waiting list be fulfilled ?

With the lottery nobody is allowed to cancel, if they win they are charged automatically. The headache Sideshow will deal with is if someone puts their name in out of impulse, waits the three days, has the item shipped, then returns it back to Sideshow for a refund....makes no sense!!!
Kookie said:
JS...I would be more pissed if I missed out due to the lottery than if 1 person had 3 accounts and got 3 and I missed one. With the lottery I have absolutely no control while at least if my fingers were quick and I loaded the correct page I have a shot. This whole lottery thing has been bugging me since Friday and I don't even want the SSE Mummy. I'm more upset at what the future holds for lottery systems on Star Wars, LOTR, and Marvel items. I swear to you know if a lottery system in used for an item in one of those lines I will go BERSERK....AND HEAR ME NOW...I WILL EVEN JOIN THE KRUSADERS AND WILL BRING DOWN ENTERNAL HELL FIRE ON THE WHOLE STATE OF CALIFORNIA EVEN THOUGH SIDESHOW TAKES UP AN EXTREMELY SMALL PORTION!!!
I have a feeling that this wil be the last lottery sideshow does. Last time I checked the poll it was some 80% against it. I would imagine the board is a pretty fair representation of sideshow customers.

Although it is possible that this lottery will work very nicely and the majority will be pleased with it--for something like the Uni line. I see rioting if it is tried with a star wars figure.

P.S. Don't encourage the Kurgans, it only makes them more incorrigible. :D
Agent0028 said:
Although it is possible that this lottery will work very nicely and the majority will be pleased with it--for something like the Uni line. I see rioting if it is tried with a star wars figure.
thats really my biggest gripe.
they shouldve tried this with something else.
Even though the SSE's do have a lower ES overall theyre still taking what is really a regular figure from a full line and completely killing the majority of the SSE line's collectors' chances to have a complete collection.

Its not like the Spidey variants, where even if you missed them, you still have a Spidey to buy for your collection.
You cant do that with a color Mummy in an SSE collection.

You SSE PF collectors just can't catch a break, can you? Expensive, in-stock solicitations close to the holidays, miniscule edition sizes and, just when you thought the screws could not be turned any tighter, a lottery.

I realize the good intentions of those not interested in the figure offering to enter the lottery as a proxy for those who do but, won't you be decreasing everyone's chance of winning by increasing the odds? The more people entering the lottery, the more it is validated; The more it is validated, the more likely it is to become a way to offer low edition sizes across all product lines in the future.

Anyway, best of luck to all the "true collectors" among us!
Kookie said:
JS...I would be more pissed if I missed out due to the lottery than if 1 person had 3 accounts and got 3 and I missed one. With the lottery I have absolutely no control while at least if my fingers were quick and I loaded the correct page I have a shot. This whole lottery thing has been bugging me since Friday and I don't even want the SSE Mummy. I'm more upset at what the future holds for lottery systems on Star Wars, LOTR, and Marvel items. I swear to you know if a lottery system in used for an item in one of those lines I will go BERSERK....AND HEAR ME NOW...I WILL EVEN JOIN THE KRUSADERS AND WILL BRING DOWN ENTERNAL HELL FIRE ON THE WHOLE STATE OF CALIFORNIA EVEN THOUGH SIDESHOW TAKES UP AN EXTREMELY SMALL PORTION!!!

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Shai Hulud said:

I don't know if this has already been mentioned or not but I would like to know how Sideshow plans on handling the wait list for this.
Bannister said:
I don't know if this has already been mentioned or not but I would like to know how Sideshow plans on handling the wait list for this.
With a prohibition against cancelling I would expect the waitlist is unnecessary.
Agent0028 said:
With a prohibition against cancelling I would expect the waitlist is unnecessary.
I wasn't thinking, I guess if there are credit card declines they will just randomly select new buyers from the original lottery pool. card cancellations never ocurred to me so I reckon that makes us 'bout even. :duh :D