Mummy PF SSE Limited to 50: SS Lottery

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FrankenFan said:

Anyway, best of luck to all the "true collectors" among us!

Well, that's just it Frank, if it was only the true collectors buying this, SS wouldn't have to do a lottery system. I still don't know why they just don't either:

A. Don't make them if they can't at least partially satisfy demand. And again, if this was JUST for fans and not money grabbers, 50 would probably be fine for this piece..


B. Don't let ANYONE know they have a pre-determined edition size set, and when it does sell out, if it does....then people get on the wait list...This stops scalpers from realising there is a low no. made from the start, and it may disuade them from buying for the sole purpose of profitering, and denying TRUE fans the chance to buy it at

Look, bottom line, it's not a perfect world, and no matter what you try or what you do, people will take advantage or whinge..or BOTH. Whether it be by lottery or trying your luck by mad dash on the net for 10 minutes..People will miss out, people will cry, no ordering scheme will stop that..

At least SS is trying different approaches and that has to be admired..
i just noticed(probably has been mentioned in this thread but I'm lazy) that this bad boy is $399....pricey.
Vader AL said:
i just noticed(probably has been mentioned in this thread but I'm lazy) that this bad boy is $399....pricey.
Actually it is not a bad price increase only $50.00. The grey paint must have gone down in price since the grey hulk pf.:rotfl
this should have been an inclusive edition so anyone who wanted it could get it...stuff these low only attracts the scalping flipper brigade...they're already rubbing their greedy little hands together working out how much they can get out of a true collector of this specialized pf line....damn them all to hell.:devil
Bannister said:
Actually it is not a bad price increase only $50.00. The grey paint must have gone down in price since the grey hulk pf.:rotfl

Ouch Bannister! Don't bring that up. Still can't belive I have to pay an extra 100 bucks for the Hulk's grey paint. I don't get it. I thought that the fewer items get made, the higher the price, yet, all other ultra limited PF's are far more limited (50-75), and still only $50 more expensive than the original... Guess the blue jeans Grey Hulk is wearing consumed the other $50...
Guess the blue jeans Grey Hulk is wearing consumed the other $50...

The jeans are Armani...

As for the ultra-low edition sizes - they know that 50 is about all they'd sell normally but the low ES makes it a scalper frenzy. I agree that the best way to do this would be to not publicize the ES until it's sold out for a week.
I agree that the best way is probably to list it without the edition size. It worked well with the Newborn Uruk-hai. Everyone hated it until the edition size was announced. :rotfl
Fritz said:
I agree that the best way is probably to list it without the edition size. It worked well with the Newborn Uruk-hai. Everyone hated it until the edition size was announced. :rotfl

or the Doom Bust
Fritz said:
Why, what happened with the Doom Bust?

edition size was not set until Sideshow set an edition size about 2 weeks after, stating that it will be limited to 100 and then that is when it sold out :lol
TOE said:
edition size was not set until Sideshow set an edition size about 2 weeks after, stating that it will be limited to 100 and then that is when it sold out :lol

Thats a good idea, like someone said they used that method in the past with the NbU. Howwever, now you'll have people (scalpers) placing random orders in hopes of the items ES being very small.
Asura said:
Thats a good idea, like someone said they used that method in the past with the NbU. Howwever, now you'll have people (scalpers) placing random orders in hopes of the items ES being very small.
True, but I prefer taking my chances with that than leaving it to a lottery.
Agent0028 said:
True, but I prefer taking my chances with that than leaving it to a lottery.

Indeed, the whole "let's live in fear of the scalper thing" can be attached to just about any system.

I'm all for a system that will actually work. :cool:
LOTRFan said:
Indeed, the whole "let's live in fear of the scalper thing" can be attached to just about any system.

I'm all for a system that will actually work. :cool:

the only way to kill off scalpers is an open edition or inclusive edition.
no exclusives unless its open or worked with maul.
the Doctor said:
the only way to kill off scalpers is an open edition or inclusive edition.
no exclusives unless its open or worked with maul.

Except for the fact that is turned off collectors who actually value having something limited; and put the squeeze on retailers.

Bottom line - there is no perfect system.
LOTRFan said:
Except for the fact that is turned off collectors who actually value having something limited; and put the squeeze on retailers.

Bottom line - there is no perfect system.

i have sam and bill the pony,aragorn,moria orc archer and swordsman.
all of them are open editions.let people take there chances with there
taste for what they like and not worry about sure it would work
and might save an industry from imploding on its own greed
the Doctor said:
i have sam and bill the pony,aragorn,moria orc archer and swordsman.
all of them are open editions.let people take there chances with there
taste for what they like and not worry about sure it would work
and might save an industry from imploding on its own greed

I agree in theory, but while the "open editions" of the above pieces are unknown, I highly doubt they are in the 10K+ range of Maul, etc. I would almost bet that the inclusive actually has a higher ES than the regular, which is strangely ironic.

I like having very limited collectibles, it makes them even more "collectible." I know some don't, that's fine.
LOTRFan said:
I agree in theory, but while the "open editions" of the above pieces are unknown, I highly doubt they are in the 10K+ range of Maul, etc. I would almost bet that the inclusive actually has a higher ES than the regular, which is strangely ironic.

I like having very limited collectibles, it makes them even more "collectible." I know some don't, that's fine.

what is a moria archer worth now:confused: how many are there out there in collectors hands.maybe more then 2000 or as little as won knows for sure but it is still highly sought after.thats the beauty of an open edition.
the Doctor said:
what is a moria archer worth now:confused: how many are there out there in collectors hands.maybe more then 2000 or as little as won knows for sure but it is still highly sought after.thats the beauty of an open edition.

Sure. Buuuuuuuuuuuut .....

Those were the days of the obscure LOTR SSW statues. I have quite a number of the early open ended pieces myself, and yes they are quite expensive. You can't however compare an established line (like SW 12") to the first few LOTR pieces, the demand just isn't/wasn't the same.

Oh, and I entered the lotto.