Mummy PF SSE Limited to 50: SS Lottery

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We Don't Need No Stinkin' Lottery

When it comes to something so generally insignificant as statuary collecting, I think it is a little silly to stand on principal, but, in this case, I'm going to make an exception.

The more I think about this Mummy SSE lottery, the more I absolutely hate it. It is stupid, assinine, and utterly unnecessary. In my opinion, if you want something badly enough, you will find a way to be available when a product goes up for order. If you can't because of some conflicting event - an obligation that you cannot get out of - then that is the way it goes. That's with it.

Life should not based upon entitlement, but rather a series of choices an individual makes that defines them as an adult.

I would have really loved to have a grey hulk diorama, but I had series of meetings that night on behalf of my stepdaughter. Clearly, these meetings were integral and necessary, and that, quite simply, was that. I missed purchasing this item, but that was tough on me. It was the right and necessary choice.

On principal alone, this whole lottery thing leaves a really sick taste in my mouth, and I will not abide it.

Bottom line, if Sideshow insists on making their limited edition products available only in this manner, I'm gone.
Now I can go back and enjoy my collecting habit without fear of the dreaded lottery!
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I do not like the lottery either. If you want a piece bad enough, you have better chances getting it when it goes for sale...
I did my part and entered.

I have ZERO interest in it but hey if I win, I can flip it for a nice price. :D

Mainly because I HATE the whole lottery idea....
nash said:
anyone know when the winners will be announced?

Sideshow said:
Participants should be prepared, if selected, to have the item and shipping costs charged to their cards immediately, with or without notification. Collectors who are selected will have the item booked to their accounts and then notified by e-mail between January 2nd - 4th.
So the "winners" will be notified by email between January 2-4, most likely after their pieces have been billed to their credit cards.
Darklord Dave said:
I agree that the best way to do this would be to not publicize the ES until it's sold out for a week.

That's right definitely means the scalpers/flippers are kept at bay, and the genuine buyers get in first...or at least they should...
Kookie said:
Like in my previous post I'm cancelling about $3000 in preorders soon. I just don't feel like I can continue collecting when a lottery system is looming over us to happen at anytime!
This is just for one piece and youre going to cancel all of your preorders? I think that's being pretty dramatic and I doubt you'll do it once you cool off. Im mad about missing out on both PF Spidey exclusives but what's done is done, move on theres a lot of stuff in the future to hunt down. Why let one stupid thing ruin everything?
i can't wait to see how many of these hit ebay within the first week of shipping and here yet more angry collectors who have been done out of something they really wanted...the ****'s going to hit the fan bigtime:monkey3
the Doctor said:
i can't wait to see how many of these hit ebay within the first week of shipping and here yet more angry collectors who have been done out of something they really wanted...the ****'s going to hit the fan bigtime:monkey3

Even with normal PPO this still happens.
nash said:
This is just for one piece and youre going to cancel all of your preorders? I think that's being pretty dramatic and I doubt you'll do it once you cool off. Im mad about missing out on both PF Spidey exclusives but what's done is done, move on theres a lot of stuff in the future to hunt down. Why let one stupid thing ruin everything?


It's really quite you don't stand up and vote with your wallet, then company's like Sideshow will NEVER get the message. It appears that is all that they understand.


It's really quite you don't stand up and vote with your wallet, then company's like Sideshow will NEVER get the message. It appears that is all that they understand.


It would seem that a very vocal minority squeaked their wheels long enough and got their day in court with this experiment. The poll on their website shows an overwhelming "NO" (in one version or another) by approx. 80%. I'm certain SS will not ignore this and I doubt we'll see this again. I'd give it a bit of time for SS to concede that this might have been a doomed idea before I did anything drastic.
I've seen sideshow work with us collectors often enough to feel confident that this lottery system is going bye bye.
Once the whole process is over I hope Sideshow does a post lottery poll and see if anyone's opinion changes once they win or lose.
I like the fact that Sideshow tries to experiment with new ideas in ordering. Granted, the lottery idea may be a dud, but I still like the effort.
SolidLiquidFox said:
I agree this experiment may have run it's course even before it began.

I sure hope so, I am only a casual Universal collector, but if this was LOTR ... :monkey4

Sorry though for those who are avid Uni fans, they just had to experiment on someone. :eek: