Re: My Agent Venom WIP
Tried to fix the head, the six breathing holes from the original head were still showing way too much. Tried to fill the tiny areas with sculpt, smoothed out with sculpting tool then used 400 grit sandpaper to sand it down after it had hardened. Still not perfect but way better.
So, I wanted him to look like more than just a Metal Boss Armored figure with a modified Snake Eyes head. Wanted to modify him further. There are a variety of Agent Venom looks, various body armors etc. I really like the spiked look where his shoulder pads and gloves/gauntlets are spiked like this:
So....I purchased a full set of Ghost Rider hands and gauntlets from a fellow Freak. I also decided to try sculpting some little spikes for the shoulder pads. VERY difficult because they are so darn small. So I ended up doing bigger spikes on the shoulder pads than I had intended, just because going any smaller than this was proving too difficult for my expertise level (which is zero btw).
I first took a silver Sharpie and drew a pattern of dots that I was happy with, so I knew where to put the spikes. Then I attached the little spikes. They don't look great and they're certainly not symmetrical, which I'm not worried about. I'll be painting the entire shoulder pads black, which I'm thinking will help hide the inconsistencies. Hopefully the little buggers won't just pop off when I try painting them....wish me luck.
Anyway here is a sort of "before and after" look at the shoulder pads:
And a couple of photos of the Ghost Rider hands (which will be painted matching black, I don't want the spikes to be silver) along with the finished shoulder pads.
And you'll notice one more item in the previous two photos....I'm going to make an attempt to do something like this:
I'm not sure I can pull it off, but it would certainly look cool.
Anyway, that is all for now. Thanks for looking!