Intersting and Funny things on ESPN about all this.
4. Michael Jordan would have wanted to kick Dwyane Wade's butt every spring, not play with him. This should be mentioned every day for the rest of LeBron's career. It's also the kryptonite for any "Some day we'll remember LeBron James as the best basketball player ever" argument. We will not. Jordan and Russell were the greatest players of all time. Neither of them would have made the choice that LeBron did. That should tell you something.
City: Detroit
Name: Justin Johnson
The generational shift in the NBA:
Jordan = John McClane
Kobe = Maximus
LBJ = Vincent Chase
City: Richfield, Minn.
Name: Aaron
If I'm Cavs owner Dan Gilbert I immediately look at the schedule for when the Heat come to town the first time. I then arrange a ceremony where they retire jersey #23. Even have LeBron help raise it into the rafters. Do it up right and honor the accomplishments. I'd have an emotional speech put together honoring all the ups and downs that they've seen; bring up all the heartbreaks and near misses in the playoffs and regular season.
The name on the back of the jersey? Jordan

City: Akron, Ohio
Name: Joel
My perspective is simple: there is no way Michael Jordan ever makes this choice. None. It's sad for Cleveland, that is for sure. But, honestly, I think it's sadder for basketball because we're missing the chance to see a basketball specimen come into his own and reach that rarified level of transcendent player. Maybe the Heat play beautiful basketball, but I think no matter what this will be remembered for three things: LeBron's ego, the realization that he is scared to be great, and that we all know, no matter what, Michael Jordan never would have chosen this path. LeBron will never touch Jordan's shadow at this point, let alone surpass him. And I think that lack of chase is a sad day for basketball.
City: Cleveland
Name: Jeff
I've figured out the moral of the story: Stay in school.
Wade: 3 years at Marquette
Bosh: 1 year at Georgia Tech
The kid from Akron: no college
The most educated guy convinced his dumber friends to come play on his team for less money.
City: Tulsa, Okla.
Name: Ryan Flippo
LeBron's decision to sign with Miami absolutely constitutes the biggest heel turn I've ever seen in real life. It's like LeBron and Cleveland are working the ring together in a gigantic Tag Team Royal Rumble, and it looks like they've got a real chance to come away with the Belt, until all of a sudden Jim Ross screams, "Good God, that's Pat Riley's music!"
City: Perth, Australia
Name: Glenn Jamieson
Can you please annoint "Taking my talents to South Beach" as the new euphemism for masturbation?
City: Las Vegas
Name: Duke
The stone-cold assassins that I have witnessed in my life: Tiger, Jordan, Kobe, Federer, Brady. All had what appear to be strong father-figures in their childhoods.
LBJ and his mom agreed that Miami "would make him happy." Need I say more?
City: Boston
Name: Jacinta
When LeBron arrives in Miami, will it be Dexter Morgan's responsibility to "put him down" since he murdered all of Cleveland?
City: Ottawa, Ontario
Name: Dave Smyth
The first comparisons people were making last night were that LeBron will now be Magic to Wade's Kareem, or more accurately Pippen to Wade's Jordan. Sorry, but the real comparison here is A-Rod.
A-Rod is also the most physically gifted and talented guy in his sport. A-Rod also has the biggest ego in his sport. A-Rod also has no heart and no guts and typically gags in the playoffs. A-Rod blew off a smaller market team (Seattle) that adored him to play in Texas. A-Rod decided to go the Yankees to win rings knowing that they would always be Jeter's team. A-Rod won a World Series last year but nobody considers him a champion the same way they look at Jeter because he didn't help build the Yankees. How is any one of those things any different in any way shape or form than LeBron? The Heat will always be D-Wade's team regardless of how many titles LeBron wins there. Congratulations on your decision LeBron -- you have successfully downgraded your career arc to A-Rod. Unbelievable.