Kobe's first run was different as he was second fiddle and wasnt the main component on that championship team, Shaq was. So he deferred a lot in those early years to his team.
His second championship run was after he he put ego aside and became much more trusting of his teammates. He got the whole, Im gonna be a "selfish Kobe" out of his system. That was probably due to two big factors. Welcoming Phil back once he saw he couldnt win his way (selfish Kobe) and acquiring Pau. Those two factors lead to him become much more unselfish.
First, Spurs havent choked. Second, they wont choke. All the big guns are coming back for the stretch run.There's no way they give up 3.5
with the big guns playing.
Third, lets face it, any team would "choke" as you put it, not having four starters. If they were full strength and losing I would be VERY worried. But theyre not, so Im not.