NBA 10-11

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Manu is the Spurs best player now. The field will even out once San Antonio hits thier first slump. Will be a tight race for 1st though IMO in the West between 3 teams.

The Spurs have a great coach, veteran players and a well run organization. Great start doesn't really surprise me.
i see the league still has that unexplainable fixation with making sure the Spurs get all the calls meanwhile making sure Carmello and the Nuggets do not. Hey, the league was able to kill 2 birds with 1 stone last night. :lol
lol you're joking right? The Nuggets got 35 attempts at the FT line vs. Spurs' 25 so how were they getting "all the calls?" And please dont tell me you're referring to the obvious charge by 'Melo...
blah blah blah. where was the charge call when JR Smith had that monster slam earlier? Exact same scenario, defender was outside the circle, had the same positioning, etc.

The difference is that when the games come down to the end, the refs are looking to blow the whistle in favor of SA and very often looking to call it against Melo. Refs were looking for a way to give the game to SA. Thats the truth.

Regarding FT attempts, this has been the story for 5 years now. Denver always has more FTA because of the style offense they run. They bring the ball into the paint. Fouls happen in the paint. That said, its not the quantity of the calls, its the important calls that Denver never gets and SA thrives off of.
it may have been a good call, but that calls usually not made, and certainly if it was the other way around it would be an "and 1" with Manu on the line.
Heat playing like everyone thought they would. More blow outs than any other team and becoming the best defensive team in the league statistically.
blah blah blah. where was the charge call when JR Smith had that monster slam earlier? Exact same scenario, defender was outside the circle, had the same positioning, etc.

Watch it again, this time with an unbiased view. His left foot was on the circle so it wasnt a charge, he also shuffled his foot.

The difference is that when the games come down to the end, the refs are looking to blow the whistle in favor of SA and very often looking to call it against Melo. Refs were looking for a way to give the game to SA. Thats the truth.

Yes, yes Spurs fans hear this every year. In fact your comment is the same template that all the NBA fans use when their team loses to the Spurs:
The difference is that when the games come down to the end, the refs are looking to blow the whistle in favor of SA and very often looking to call it against (insert losing team here). Refs were looking for a way to give the game to SA. Boo hoo, whine, whine, cry cry etc...

Regarding FT attempts, this has been the story for 5 years now. Denver always has more FTA because of the style offense they run. They bring the ball into the paint. Fouls happen in the paint. That said, its not the quantity of the calls, its the important calls that Denver never gets and SA thrives off of.

Actually, Spurs had more points in the paint 52-42. So the Spurs had more points in the paint and less foul calls. So whats the excuse going to be now? :rolleyes2
The Heat arent beating up on any real threats so no surprise there.

Knicks, Hornets, Utah, Atlanta, Orlando :cuckoo:. Its still early,plenty of quality wins left for them. The Heat don't have any control over the teams they play, they're just getting warmed up.
Yes they beat ORL, NO, UT once, but they also lost to ORL, NO, UT once. They also lost to BOS twice and lost to Dallas. Those other teams you mentioned are non-factors.

Miami's record vs. .500+ teams: 5-6. Below .500? 15-2.....

When they can start beating good teams consistently, then we'll talk.
like i said, they're now just getting their ____ together, and still have room to get better. You act like SA only beats quality teams. The Heat have more +10 and +20 point wins than any other team.
SA is 8-2 against .500+ teams. And +10 and +20 point wins is nice against bottom feeders, I guess, but it doesnt put any fear in any one. But you're right, season's young, time will tell who the real threats are.
woah, huge deal with Suns and Magic

Kind of happy to see Turk and Clark go bye bye. Wish we could have kept J-Rich though
lot of overpaid contracts moving around there.. Pho looks like they down graded the most. Not a V Carter fan partic at this stage of his career. Orlando trying again to keep up w. the big boys w/ a hope and a prayer..Lakers/ Celtics have the established chem all others lack..
:lol Hedo going back. This screws up Orlando's chemsitry imo. Desperate move on their part. Gortat is huge loss for Orlando cause Howard is in foul trouble often and they dont miss a beat with him in there. Pietrus is good defensive player as well. Good move for Wash to get rid of Arenas though.............Pho doesnt make out too bad, but Orl is pushing in all their chips now cause if they dont win, Howard will prolly leave like Shaq.
I think aside from J Rich, Pietrus and The Polish Hammer, all names involved are very over-rated, overpaid. I thought Turk left Orlando on bad terms? Funny he's back there, however he prolly had his best season as a player there so why not. Vince Carter was a failure I saw a mile away, they're prolly better off. Orlando isn't for real either way. Not that they can't beat you, they just won't take one of the big dogs in a series. "Peaches" will fit in well w/ Phoenix's system, and Gortat is a good center, which the league lacks. Getting under from Howards shadow, he should blossom. Maybe Phoenix did come out best in this 3 way swap. Like Nash said, J Rich was a player, I respect the vets. But now they have a center and another player that fit well within them.

:lol Hedo going back. This screws up Orlando's chemsitry imo. Desperate move on their part. Gortat is huge loss for Orlando cause Howard is in foul trouble often and they dont miss a beat with him in there. Pietrus is good defensive player as well. Good move for Wash to get rid of Arenas though.............Pho doesnt make out too bad, but Orl is pushing in all their chips now cause if they dont win, Howard will prolly leave like Shaq.

I think aside from J Rich, Pietrus and The Polish Hammer, all names involved are very over-rated, overpaid. I thought Turk left Orlando on bad terms? Funny he's back there, however he prolly had his best season as a player there so why not. Vince Carter was a failure I saw a mile away, they're prolly better off. Orlando isn't for real either way. Not that they can't beat you, they just won't take one of the big dogs in a series. "Peaches" will fit in well w/ Phoenix's system, and Gortat is a good center, which the league lacks. Getting under from Howards shadow, he should blossom. Maybe Phoenix did come out best in this 3 way swap. Like Nash said, J Rich was a player, I respect the vets. But now they have a center and another player that fit well within them.


I also think that PHX made out like bandits with this trade. Don't forget that PHX also has Orlando's 1st round pick and $3 mil in cash as well.

Hedo is a great player but he is too tempermental...and with the size of his contract i am so relieved to have got rid of that baggage EARLY. much as I love him for what he brings to the table, he probably would have left PHX next year in search of a max contract somewhere else just like what Amare did and PHX cant afford his price with all the wing players that we have now. Getting rid of Jrich is good for us long term growth wise i think.