And then there was....
I'd rather have players who are NOT household names for the right reason than for the wrong reason. i.e. the accused rapist and coach killer who his own teammates DESPISE (kobe), the thug responsible for the biggest melee in sports history among his other antics (Artest), the big baby who can't even lose without taking cheap shots at other players who will soon be the Lakers next big headache (bynum), the biggest p****y in all of sports who couldnt even get over a break up (Gasol), another vag who is now gone but who we can see what kind of mental toughness he has (Odom) etc etc. I can go on and on with your roster. Yeah you guys got some real household names there. Your household names are the biggest joke in sports. Do understand the difference between famous and notoriety?

Like I said, I would rather be a fan of an organization who wins the right way, loses the right way and actually carries themselves the right way. And unless the Lakers starting raping other teams for other talent, which appears the NBA is FINALLY cracking down on, so that well is just about dried up, or throw more good money after bad players that don't care if they win or lose, you guys won't be winning again anytime soon because let's face it, how many Kobe's and Shaq's are there in this next generation?
Your well is dry, son

the whole lockout was aimed at weakening the lakers. taking revenue and putting a cap on players market value. really it was a joke. example OKC. the nba illegally nullified a trade to make us better and shave salary. how are we the apple when they try and take us down. whatever, wont work. looking forward to an offseason where stern doesnt mettle with its eye apple...
whatev, we'll always be good. in 1/2 of the finals and win 1/3 of them for the last 30 years. (hows that for underachievement) that wont stop.
That's called fair play. Do you really want the NBA to turn into the joke MLB is? Or you do want a relatively balanced league like the NFL. The NBA smartened up. I know it may temporarily hurt the Lakers because you cant have Lakers Reloaded every year but at the same time they had to do something in order for the league to survive or otherwise the league would've become a real disaster like the NHL.
All true. I respect what popavich has done there. I'm curious as to how they will rebuild in a few years or will the spurs best years be bygone the way my dolphins have been post Shula/Marino.
I suspect the Spurs will be an average good team a la the Nuggets. Not championship caliber every year unless we get lucky and find a star. It really depends if Pop and RC plan to stick around after the run is over. If those guys leave, I think we'll be terrible.
And being an average good team may actually work against them because they wont be bad enough to get a top pick yet won't be able to attract key FA. so they won't be able to get over the hump of going good to great.
But to compare the Spurs and Dolphins (who you know is my NFL team) is apples and oranges because the Dolphins front office is the biggest bunch of ******* in all of sports (thanks Ireland!). The Spurs FO is savvy, prudent and forward thinking. The complete opposite of the Dolphins.
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