Neca 1/4 scale Batman Begins Batman

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Re: Neca 1/4 scale batman begins batman

I think there's a good reason why nobody will do anything from Batman Forever. :p

It is still an untested market that could be a success. Nobody knows because it hasn't been done yet. I'd have never thought we'd see modern Adam West Batman or Batman Returns products on the shelves, but we have. Why? Because these companies tested the waters with them.

Just because the movie blows doesn't mean people wouldn't buy an awesome looking, well made Batman figure. Look at Batman v Superman, awful movie to many, still has a cool looking, toyetic version of Batman that people want.

Batman movie legacy > modern video games that already have a ton of figures to it's name


The Schumacher movie designs are pretty cool in my opinion. They were practically made with a unique aesthetic that had toys and merchandise in mind. The colorful, comic book style of the designs make the Burton and Nolan interpretations look drab and dull in comparison. If companies can make figures of the 60s show/movie and people buy them, I don't see why a couple of Batman Forever or Batman and Robin figures wouldn't sell.

I don't even like half of the 8 Batman movies that WB/DC has put out, but there's no denying their impact on popular culture. NECA is known for going after those cult classics, those niche licenses. I don't see why Schumacher Batman stuff would be any different or exempt.
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Re: Neca 1/4 scale batman begins batman

I could see them doing the Schumacher characters. They would probably be the only company willing to try but I think the main reason you won't see them is because NECA doesn't make figures from movies they don't personally like and I doubt they liked Batman and Robin.
Re: Neca 1/4 scale batman begins batman

I'll be no part of this revisionist history, where Forever is brushed under the rug and we pretend it wasn't huge when it was released.

The franchise was almost considered dead after Returns, due it making significantly less money than Batman and scaring the ****** out kids and potential movie tie-in companies alike. Forever reversed that.

Say what you will about Batman & Robin, but enough with the bizarre notion that Forever was some kind of train-wreck.
Re: Neca 1/4 scale batman begins batman

FINALLY!! I had a huge struggle with UPS, but I got my Bale and Affleck Batman's. I'll make sure to post a fair amount of pictures of each.

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Re: Neca 1/4 scale batman begins batman

I dont think Im getting this thing from Calendars. Says backordered. Ive had it preordered since they first put it on the site.

I ordered it way back when too.

I think we'll get it.
Re: Neca 1/4 scale batman begins batman

I could see them doing the Schumacher characters. They would probably be the only company willing to try but I think the main reason you won't see them is because NECA doesn't make figures from movies they don't personally like and I doubt they liked Batman and Robin.

I beg to differ... Randy DISPISES AND HATES AVP. He has made thsi very clear. And yet they made now 2 whole lines of AVP soon to be three.... I'll just keep protesting neca for my Kilmer Panther suit 1/4. It will happen one day just watch...
Re: Neca 1/4 scale batman begins batman

I got the Batman Begins figure out of the box now, and he's pretty awesome. Not perfect, but still pretty damn good. The crotch area is a little annoying, and he doesn't feel as strong or sturdy as Affleck, but the look is spot on. I'll post some pictures later.

Right after I got the Joker card out, I decided to make a little Evidence bag. After all, this is a Batman Begins figure. :) (Besides, I already have custom cards for my Joker).


Also, if you want to make your own, here's the evidence label:

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Re: Neca 1/4 scale batman begins batman

Well.... If I'm being totally honest, I'm a bit disappointed. I'm torn. There's things I absolutely love about this figure, and some things I really hate.

Let's start with the good. As I'm sure many of you can tell, this guy looks amazing. The head sculpt is pretty bang on, and the golds look awesome. The cape is also movie accurate (it's a felt), and looks pretty good. Of course it's going to be a major dust collector, but what are ya gonna do?

I also love the abundance of accessories, but he does have trouble holding half of them. The grapple gun came out clean, and looks very nice. The 2 Batarangs are also pretty basic but accurate; you get a big one that folds and a small solid one. However, he definitely holds the big one better; the small one is a little loose and doesn't look as good IMO. Bats also comes with some of those bombs he used (one is active, one isn't) and while they look nice, his weird open hand can hold them but it doesn't look the best in his hand. It's more of a nitpick, but it's worth noting. Finally we have the surprise Joker card, which is a nice touch but Bats also can't hold it very well. I'd also like to point out the size of the hands. Again, more of a nitpick, but they may be a bit small. They look alright on Bale, but comparing them to Affleck's hands, they are significantly smaller (I have included a comparison picture). Not necessarily a complaint, but I'm just pointing it out.

Ok, now sadly onto the bad. I really, really wanted this to be their best 1/4 Batman yet. Looks wise, you could make an argument for it. But damn, for me personally this guy really falls flat when it comes to articulation and stability. Let's start with plastic quality and stability. The plastic feels more fragile and cheap in comparison to Affleck or some of the other 1/4 figures. When I was posing him, certain limbs feel like they could snap off fairly easy if you aren't super careful. The noise isn't very reassuring either. In terms of stability, this is a bit of a step back. I found Batfleck, Iron Man Mark 43, Penguin, and Arkham Knight Batman to all stand very well. Bale here isn't falling over every 5 seconds, but I would be much more worried about bumping him than say the Batfleck. EDIT: Just as I was typing this, Bale just fell flat on his face. Don't worry, we didn't lose paint and nothing's damaged. This is the third time he's fallen already though, and I'm fairly careful in posing him.

Now onto the articulation. Yikes. The thing is, all his articulation looks good on paper, but it wasn't executed very well. I don't know if it's just mine, but the arms can't come forward without forcing them. There's this bit of the torso hanging off the top onto the shoulder, and it seriously restricts movement. Again, you can get the arms past, but serious rubbing occurs. When the arms go out to the side, it is much easier to move but again, there is rubbing and you still have to put more pressure on it than you should have to. It also appears that his gauntlets do not rotate. This is fairly annoying for some poses. The torso articulation is fine, and the head cannot move the best but if they were to do it as they originally intended, the neck definitely wouldn't look as good. So they made the right call. Now here's the part that probably bothers me most in the entire figure. The hips/crotch area. Argh. First off, the legs can't kick forward and back very easily. This is where it feels and sounds especially fragile, and where I am most scared of breakage. It just doesn't sound right. Anyways, he can kick forward a couple clicks, but it's not as good as other 1/4 figures. Bats can do the splits quite well, and the rotation at the thigh works ok. But man, that crotch area. He had this little rubber flap coming down, and when you push the legs in, it can push in weirdly and ruin the look. You can get it to look good, but you have to mess with it a bit. Maybe it won't be that big of a deal for some, but it can be an annoyance. Finally, the double jointed knees are good and the ankles are tight but have a solid range of motion for a figure in this scale. No rotation at the top of the boot.

To top it all off, this may just be my figure but all over the suit there's tiny little nicks and marks. They aren't super noticeable unless you look up close, and it may be unavoidable, but it does bother me. The torso pieces also aren't lined up the best; I can adjust them to look normal so not a big deal. Just yet another tiny annoyance though.

So yea, I don't know guys. Maybe I was expecting too much of NECA. This was in like my top 3 most anticipated figures of the year, so that may be part of the reason I feel so disappointed. I'm not sure if my figure is just defective and wasn't assembled right or what, but I have lots of little problems. The only truly glaring thing is the articulation at the shoulders and hips/legs. But all the little things add up too. As I said before, I LOVE the sculpt and paint. In a museum pose, it's mighty fine. But once you start posing and moving the figures joints, things get frustrating. In comparison to Batfleck, this is easily the better looking figure. But OVERALL? It's tough, but I may give the edge to Batfleck. That figures articulation, stability, plastic quality, and fun in posing is much better. It's enjoyable. Bale on the other hand feels like he will become more of a chore to pose, if you get what I'm saying. He'll probably stay in one pose much longer. I still recommend picking up this 1/4 Batman Begins figure, but keep in mind that he does have some major flaws. :)

I just realized how long I've been typing. Too long? :p


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Re: Neca 1/4 scale batman begins batman

That's crazy how this figure towers over the Keaton, West and Affleck and yet it has these small baby hands. :lol
Re: Neca 1/4 scale batman begins batman

Group shots! Sorry for the quality.

NECA's 1/4 Batmen

My NECA 1/4 Collection

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Neca 1/4 scale batman begins batman

Bale is definitely too tall. Keep in mind Joker's knees are bent (he has weak knees), but even if I got him to stand perfectly straight Bale would still be too tall. Same thing going on with the other Batmen; he's not in scale.


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Re: Neca 1/4 scale batman begins batman

I beg to differ... Randy DISPISES AND HATES AVP. He has made thsi very clear. And yet they made now 2 whole lines of AVP soon to be three.... I'll just keep protesting neca for my Kilmer Panther suit 1/4. It will happen one day just watch...

It boils down to giving the fans what they want.
Re: Neca 1/4 scale batman begins batman

Have always liked the BF Batmobile. Is that the 1:18 Hot Wheels at the top (Elite or Heritage)?

Its the heritage. The only difference is the elite has more diecast metal.
Re: Neca 1/4 scale batman begins batman

Well.... If I'm being totally honest, I'm a bit disappointed. I'm torn. There's things I absolutely love about this figure, and some things I really hate.

Let's start with the good. As I'm sure many of you can tell, this guy looks amazing. The head sculpt is pretty bang on, and the golds look awesome. The cape is also movie accurate (it's a felt), and looks pretty good. Of course it's going to be a major dust collector, but what are ya gonna do?

I also love the abundance of accessories, but he does have trouble holding half of them. The grapple gun came out clean, and looks very nice. The 2 Batarangs are also pretty basic but accurate; you get a big one that folds and a small solid one. However, he definitely holds the big one better; the small one is a little loose and doesn't look as good IMO. Bats also comes with some of those bombs he used (one is active, one isn't) and while they look nice, his weird open hand can hold them but it doesn't look the best in his hand. It's more of a nitpick, but it's worth noting. Finally we have the surprise Joker card, which is a nice touch but Bats also can't hold it very well. I'd also like to point out the size of the hands. Again, more of a nitpick, but they may be a bit small. They look alright on Bale, but comparing them to Affleck's hands, they are significantly smaller (I have included a comparison picture). Not necessarily a complaint, but I'm just pointing it out.

Ok, now sadly onto the bad. I really, really wanted this to be their best 1/4 Batman yet. Looks wise, you could make an argument for it. But damn, for me personally this guy really falls flat when it comes to articulation and stability. Let's start with plastic quality and stability. The plastic feels more fragile and cheap in comparison to Affleck or some of the other 1/4 figures. When I was posing him, certain limbs feel like they could snap off fairly easy if you aren't super careful. The noise isn't very reassuring either. In terms of stability, this is a bit of a step back. I found Batfleck, Iron Man Mark 43, Penguin, and Arkham Knight Batman to all stand very well. Bale here isn't falling over every 5 seconds, but I would be much more worried about bumping him than say the Batfleck. EDIT: Just as I was typing this, Bale just fell flat on his face. Don't worry, we didn't lose paint and nothing's damaged. This is the third time he's fallen already though, and I'm fairly careful in posing him.

Now onto the articulation. Yikes. The thing is, all his articulation looks good on paper, but it wasn't executed very well. I don't know if it's just mine, but the arms can't come forward without forcing them. There's this bit of the torso hanging off the top onto the shoulder, and it seriously restricts movement. Again, you can get the arms past, but serious rubbing occurs. When the arms go out to the side, it is much easier to move but again, there is rubbing and you still have to put more pressure on it than you should have to. It also appears that his gauntlets do not rotate. This is fairly annoying for some poses. The torso articulation is fine, and the head cannot move the best but if they were to do it as they originally intended, the neck definitely wouldn't look as good. So they made the right call. Now here's the part that probably bothers me most in the entire figure. The hips/crotch area. Argh. First off, the legs can't kick forward and back very easily. This is where it feels and sounds especially fragile, and where I am most scared of breakage. It just doesn't sound right. Anyways, he can kick forward a couple clicks, but it's not as good as other 1/4 figures. Bats can do the splits quite well, and the rotation at the thigh works ok. But man, that crotch area. He had this little rubber flap coming down, and when you push the legs in, it can push in weirdly and ruin the look. You can get it to look good, but you have to mess with it a bit. Maybe it won't be that big of a deal for some, but it can be an annoyance. Finally, the double jointed knees are good and the ankles are tight but have a solid range of motion for a figure in this scale. No rotation at the top of the boot.

To top it all off, this may just be my figure but all over the suit there's tiny little nicks and marks. They aren't super noticeable unless you look up close, and it may be unavoidable, but it does bother me. The torso pieces also aren't lined up the best; I can adjust them to look normal so not a big deal. Just yet another tiny annoyance though.

So yea, I don't know guys. Maybe I was expecting too much of NECA. This was in like my top 3 most anticipated figures of the year, so that may be part of the reason I feel so disappointed. I'm not sure if my figure is just defective and wasn't assembled right or what, but I have lots of little problems. The only truly glaring thing is the articulation at the shoulders and hips/legs. But all the little things add up too. As I said before, I LOVE the sculpt and paint. In a museum pose, it's mighty fine. But once you start posing and moving the figures joints, things get frustrating. In comparison to Batfleck, this is easily the better looking figure. But OVERALL? It's tough, but I may give the edge to Batfleck. That figures articulation, stability, plastic quality, and fun in posing is much better. It's enjoyable. Bale on the other hand feels like he will become more of a chore to pose, if you get what I'm saying. He'll probably stay in one pose much longer. I still recommend picking up this 1/4 Batman Begins figure, but keep in mind that he does have some major flaws. :)

I just realized how long I've been typing. Too long? :p


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Did you try heating up the joints before you moved them. Might be just yours I saw a couple reviews and no one had trouble moving thier figure like your having with yours.
Re: Neca 1/4 scale batman begins batman

Did you try heating up the joints before you moved them. Might be just yours I saw a couple reviews and no one had trouble moving thier figure like your having with yours.

Yea I tried heating up some of them, but not all. I'll work with it today and see if I can loosen them up enough.

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