Super Freak
@Bezzerker, its not so close, in thepic the mandibles are smaller ans sharper.
I think the protoype was accurate, but they make some errors on the production.
The mouth are wider than the prototyp and the mandibles are big and thickupper and lower).
The P1 has not this Problem.
This is not the P2 Elder, its a mix of this and the City Hunter . Elder have a P1 armor (apart from the arms).
For the elder are the cloed mouth and the right arm on the musket in the belt are so prominent(like the Sideshow statue). I hope Neca revisted the sculpt, that he looks like this.
it's all in the eye of the beholder.
IN the P2 picture from the film, the Predators Top left mandible looks considerably more rounded compared to his top right mandible. Who knows maybe NECA used this image as a reference making the piece screen accurate