NECA 1/4 scale predator

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@Bezzerker, its not so close, in thepic the mandibles are smaller ans sharper.

I think the protoype was accurate, but they make some errors on the production.

The mouth are wider than the prototyp and the mandibles are big and thickupper and lower).

The P1 has not this Problem.

This is not the P2 Elder, its a mix of this and the City Hunter . Elder have a P1 armor (apart from the arms).

For the elder are the cloed mouth and the right arm on the musket in the belt are so prominent(like the Sideshow statue). I hope Neca revisted the sculpt, that he looks like this.

it's all in the eye of the beholder.

IN the P2 picture from the film, the Predators Top left mandible looks considerably more rounded compared to his top right mandible. Who knows maybe NECA used this image as a reference making the piece screen accurate :dunno The debate regarding overall length of the mandibles is negligable and i don't is as a problem whatsoever. And the pic i posted from the film, the bottom of the the Pred's top left mandible is hidden, but common sense tells us its gets thicker towards the base...which again makes your concern a Non-issue :wink1:
Well I decided to get one of these and got the closed mouth version from a fellow board member.

I thought about getting the SS classic predator statue but after seeing photos of it I have to say, like many, I was let down. I have been impressed with many of the photos here and the work that so many have done.

I have two questions.

1. How do you place the quills on the head (type of glue??)

2. Does anyone got any suggestions on how to create a custom base.

Thanks in advance.
I have a Ram that took a shelf dive and his leg broke at the hip. I was going to try and fix it, but I dont even feel like it. Anyone want him for spare parts. Anyone want to make me an offer on him. I still have the box and whatever came in it, lol.

If not no big deal, I can probably fix it, i'll just do it at another time.
it's all in the eye of the beholder.

IN the P2 picture from the film, the Predators Top left mandible looks considerably more rounded compared to his top right mandible. Who knows maybe NECA used this image as a reference making the piece screen accurate :dunno The debate regarding overall length of the mandibles is negligable and i don't is as a problem whatsoever. And the pic i posted from the film, the bottom of the the Pred's top left mandible is hidden, but common sense tells us its gets thicker towards the base...which again makes your concern a Non-issue :wink1:

In this picture you can hardly see anything, just because of the lower jaw is almost invisible.

In addition, there are the lower Mandiblen barely wider than the upper jaw.

City Hunter has thin, sharp Mandiblen. That is an important part of his design.

The prototype is accurate, but not the final product.

So it's rather not a sculpting error.

Here you see better reference pictures(cool thread):
I've never seen Jaws :lol

Ahhhh dude, you should check it out it's the Predator of sea movies. :)

The characters are classic, the dialogue is so natural, no selfconscious one-liners or anything - the actors really sell it, you never once think they're parrotting off lines - its interesting looking at the 70s the decade just before I was born, the Amity island reminds me of beaches my family would go to in the Summer....and obviously the shark action is excellent. Very scary when you're watching as a child, not so much now, but its still great. Legendary score.

Agreed, to me the film remains scary because of the basic fear we have that when we're in the water we have no idea of what's swimming around us or near us.

The whole last half of the film with Hooper, Brody and Quint going out to find and kill the shark is just primal, badass stuff.

Nah man, Jaws was it back in the day. It was to water what Alien was to space, at that time.

Movies back then didn't have the eye-popping special FX like today, so the classics from that time had to be solid all around movies. Good story, good acting and good FX. And the FX for that movie using what was available at the time, was about the equivalent of what SWS did with the T-Rex in the JP series.

I'm telling you guys, if you haven't seen Jaws yet, watch it.

Oh, and as a kid, I always loved that poster with the girl swimming and the great white coming straight up at her.

Lol LOVING the Jaws reference here guys! My fav movie of all! :D

Ah Man.... I missed all of this great JAWS talk... Well I agree with most of what was said. Except for the "it was scary back in the day, not so much now" Well after 1000 viewings it may have lost it's impact but I still don't go into the ocean and it's all because of this film. Greatest movie ever made.....GREATEST EVER MADE DAMN IT!!!!


While JAWS is one of my all-time many ways i find John Huston's Moby D!ck to be superior to JAWS. If you guys are into to incrediby well-written, detailed scripts/plots, and GIGANTIC Man-Eating SEA MONSTERS...i suggest picking this one up.

Moby D!ck > JAWS

and Captain Ahab > Captain Quint

Bezzerkerr.....That is all just crazy talk...:)
Hi everyone, just want to share my custom P1 I just finished. :)

I repainted the armor and the mouth, (yeah I didn't repainted the body, I'm pretty satisfied with it) :D

Anways, here a few pics.

I put a new netting on it, (thanks to Badvermin for the link)
Chromed the wrist blades and added quills.





that looks truly beautiful.
just got my set from EE. Spectacular sculpts. That has to be one of the most impressive P2 sculpts available. ZERO signs of netting damage. :clap
I think I like the unmasked portrait better than the bio version. Such an impressive sculpt. I love how the mandibles are positioned, unique and accurate to P2.
Look lifesize to me. Excellent paintjob. With such a paintjob, you can notice how accurate the NECA sculpt is.
Here is a repaint I did.

that's the very best skin tone i've seen on one of these. This figure looks like it walked right off the set. UNREAL this sculpt was less than $100.00

This could've easily be used as a stop-motion stunt-double puppet in the film and no one would be able to tell the difference.

I agree it does look friggin life size.
Amazing paint job man.

NECA deserve some kind of fan award for the cheapest and best quality figures going. You look at the Hot Toy city hunter and it's a disaster for triple the price....