Hi guys,
I am really happy to be here. I just recently joined the world of collecting action figures and my first major buy were the 1/4 Turtles from NECA. Now, as I live in Germany its somewhat difficult to obtain those figures, I got them from an onlineshop who imports them, so far I received Raphael and Donny, both of which have some flaws, but I try to not be to fussy about it.
The one I am kind of taking issue with is Michelangelo. I am not sure if his problems warrant a exchange however as my German dealer only has very limited stock of each figure and I end up with an even worse figure. His painting is pretty good, just some annoying white and silver paint splashes on the chest shell. Like Donny his bandana is not attached 100% perfectly, if you shine a light on it you can see like a 1mm gap between his cheek and the bandana on the left side, but I guess as long as you dont see it under normal circumstances that is fine. The big problem is the eyes! His left eye is ever so slightly turned inward, while the right eye looks straight ahead, thereby looking like he has mild strabismus. Its just a tiny bit inward rotaited so, not even sure it really comes to light on the photo.
Anyway I wanted to ask how common it is for Michelangelos eyes not being aligned perfectly. Should I return it or is it acceptable?
I am not even sure I or anybody noticed when displayed, but I think his eyes are so noticable that I kind of care, but I dread the hassle of a return. I already returned Donny because he had a huge glue splash on his bandana only so that now his bandana does not fit 100%. I guess its difficult to find perfect ones if you dont have a store nearby where you can actually thorougly examine them yourself. ^^
Oh and for Michelangelos shell splashes and other paint splashes: Can I somehow find a colour chart to get the right color tones and fix those with some light dry brushing myself? I painted warhammer figures ages ago, I guess I am able to fix some minor paint flaws myself.