I agree with the last few posts. I have absolutely zero interest in any kind of AVP or Kenner tribute items. If its not alien, aliens, alien 3, or Prometheus, im not buying. That being said, neca has done a nice job thus far with their figure selections. Im very pleased with the 79 alien and, with a bit of repainting, Windrix's (God be with the windrix family) body + helmeted hicks' head can be made into a very convincing Crowe (ill post pics when I get a chance). As far as what is to come, Vasquez really needs to make it into plastic form. Dallas and bishop have been confirmed. Randy mentioned something about possibly doing a space jockey in chair diorama. Given the fact that its the 35th anniversary of alien, perhaps that's one of the reveals? if they are going to do it, what better time then now? The size seems a bit much though....