Bishop, Kane (albeit without likeness), Dallas, Alien 3 Mercs. Granted that's spread over 3 films. I feel optimistic though that they'll do more marines, maybe not Apone due to issues with Al Matthews but Vasquez and Drake at least. Gorman would be nice too but yeah I'm not sure I see him happening.
I'd love to be able to build that whole Aliens cast photo - the one with Ripley standing in the middle, hands on hips and all the marines, Bishop and Burke around her - but I don't expect they'll go so far.
I think I have NECA figured out for human characters. I know their "formula". At least I think I know it for their "fan boy" lines. Their new release movie lines obviously have their own rules. This came up in the Hot Toys aliens thread as well. In modern movies, likenesses of a character are usually predetermined into contracts and movie rights include likenesses of the characters. For most modern movies, when you get the movie rights, you can make the characters with the actors faces all day. However, back in the 80s, the actors often owned their own likeness. It was something that had to be negotiated separate from having the movie license. Understanding this, you sort of see why new crap is so much easier to get made
But for older movies, where NECA has to buy the likenesses separate each time, they want to get their money's worth out of it, and understandably so.
Look at who they have actually paid in these "fan boy" lines of older movies:
-Arnold: Goodness gracious, how many figures? 8? 9? Theoretically still counting? One face fee, multiple figures.
-Sigourney Weaver: Only 1 confirmed, but you just KNOW they will get at minimum 4 figures of her. Probably more. Lets be honest.
-Bruce Campbell: At least 6 figurs, still going with the Retro ones coming out.
-Lance Henrickson: At least 2 confirmed (regular bishop and torn in half), plus options to do AvP and Alien 3 if they want. The point is multiple figures.
-Michael Biehn: 2 Hicks figures so far with hints the racal ops battle could be coming. Plus his terminator figures.
-Paxton: 2 figures so far. As A-Dev said, multiple figures still possible. I know I would buy a pre-burned, $&!+ eating grin cocky figure.
The you look at their other character figures they make.
-Alien 3 Merc: no likeness rights so its still relatively cheap. Project is a go.
-Cain: no likeness rights. Project is a go.
-Entire lineup of Predators. ALL OF THEM: No Likeness rights, reusable molds, they can't pump them out fast enough.
-Deadites: No likeness rights, so why not dabble? They did a few.
So seeing all this, I think we can guess what to expect. When you say "They should make...." we should all think, can they turn this face into 4+ different figures? Or can at least 2 variants sell well enough? One-offs will never happen when a likeness has to be purchased separate.
If Al Mathews says "I want what you paid Biehn/Paxton". I don't blame Al. He is asking to be treated equal, but NECA can't make 3 Apone figures let alone expect them to sell on the same level. It is in this dynamic I now see that most of our wish list figures are never gonna happen.
Although I will say I think Vasquez has to be coming. I think she has the fan demand to drive sales and there can be 2 figures easy (full smart gun rig, and rest of the movie setup). Only 2 varients, but I think the sales will flourish, so i truly believe she has a shot.