Alright. Pics.
Overall, I like it. I really do.
I think the face on my first one isnt bad at all. No pics of my second one, but as I mentioned above its a bit more ham-fisted on the paint for his facial scruff. If anything the one seen here is too light. Somehting in the middle of the 2 would have been better, but hey, I'll take this. I like it.
The Helmet is an improvement from the Hicks. The back lobster plates are painted FAR better than Hicks. The mic Boom is INFINTELY improved. The hicks helmet had the worst mic that was clumpy and droopy. They look like the redid it to me. The mic is much cleaner and straighter here.
The grafitti gets an A for effort. Here you see his "brain dead" and his count down to his freedom. They really botched the 8-Ball in my opinion. Its supposed to be a painted on "8 Ball" but Neca did it so huge that it looks like a random elongated #8 surrounded by heavy weathering. When you back off you sort of realize it was supposed to be an 8 ball.
Also, as already covered: they went to the trouble to sculpt a fabric cover, but ignored the fact it was the same fabric as the BDU pattern when they painted it and made it the same as all the other hard parts.
The aliens are more of the same. Seen one alien figure from this line, you have seen them all.
-Crooked legs
-Slop filled inner mouth
-crooked jaws.
BUT, both my Warriors had good joints, no breakages, and I still like them. Damn glad to have them.