FYE has them if they are in your area. Both kinds as well.
Arghhhh!! Come to spain my friend....
The figure is based off of the rambaldi head not the immobile prop head.
I'm from Italy... we will wait for the second part of January.
That's the medicom alien , neca alien and the film alien. Finding the rambaldi head with the dome on there is difficult from that angle. But we can see the accuracy.Niceeee
I would like a picture with medicom's alien too. This three.
See I think the shape of the head is wrong on the medicom. It doesn't dip down in the front and it lacks pretty much all the detail. The ribs are wrong and the dome is too dark. The dome should have the ability to change on the lighting. I personally think the neca alien knocked it out of the park. Detail , proportion and color. I have and am grateful to have the sealed closed lips. We have just seen the open mouth forever but the closed is accurate and very unique in the figure world. I'm going to post the screen shot that scared me the most from alien in a sec.Thank you jacklin!!!very nicei really dont know which one I prefer the most. Medicom's alien seems very screen acurated but less detailed. Neca's one I find screen accurated but also detailed. In terms of quality, which one is better???
Why are there no FYE's in Tennessee!?!?!!!!!