There's, um, a 30th anniversary sticker on the box now? But that doesn't really count as different though, does it?
I think I remember Randy saying there were structural improvements or something like that for the re-released Queen. Though in all the time since the Queen was originally released, have we heard of any wide-spread quality issues with it? Mine still stands perfectly well. Maybe Randy meant the support stand that has broken for some is now more durable?
Regarding all the upcoming ALIENS figures, even if I keep my expectations super low, I think we're guaranteed to at least get 3 new figures in the mix. I'll speculate the following:
Wave 12 will contain figures 1 through 4 and will be:
1) Ripley (Bomber Jacket w/ swap-out jumpsuit arms ) - so really, for most of us, that will be like getting 2 new figures
2) new marine (most likely Drake? but I'd prefer one of the lesser knowns, since there will always be high demand for Drake and Apone)
3) Battle Damaged xeno v.1 (blue version of the body blasted xeno originally released with with Hudson)
4) Battle Damaged xeno v.2 (brown version of the blasted head xeno originally released with with Hicks)
The two pack that's been more or less confirmed will contain:
5) Ops Battle Vasquez
6) Battle Damaged xeno v.3 (black, maybe with different battle damage details)
And I'm probably totally off with this one, but:
7) The Hadley's Hope sign with... either something totally awesome (cocooned colonist?), or a minor upgraded figure like black xeno or Ops Battle Hicks.
In any event, I'm excited to see what NECA actually reveals!