Ultimate Warrior Alien? I'll take a few. Snapped the leg on my blue warrior recently. Think I only had one of those....
Well the ultimate Pred's came with a bunch of extra stuff, maybe they'll come with an egg and face hugger? One version comes with the open egg one with a closed? I'm not sure what other accessories they could come with
took a couple of shots of my Queen with my Jason figures.
7 more not including these new warriors....hmmmm that's tough. I honestly can't come up with 7 figures that don't include new marines.
I want to say we'll see
Bomber jacket Ripley
Ops battle Hicks(?)
Ops battle Vazquez(?)
If there are 7 figures in the line I really can't think of what other possible Xeno variants we could get
We'll probably get 1 new human and 6 repaint or rejigged figures.