Guess that game changer announcement really was a let down for a lot of fans of this line. I mean, I liked the look of the arcade aliens and already ordered a set, but I would of been ecstatic if Randy had revealed a Gorman, Apone, Dietrich or even the Alien 3 creature pack.
Awesome BugStomper, you should receive Prometheus very soon as they are also now in UK stock!
Guess this is it for Prometheus, final collection:
View attachment 356461
Had a good run overall figurewise, - Still working on how to neatly fit in the trilobite...
I think we was all a little let down - but I don't think anyone's really that surprised. We did get the Burke reveal just before sdcc that's good enough for me for a while.
In my opinion Burke is really the game changer. This shows the possibility of minor characters being made, and who knows maybe now we'll get a Parker and Brett one day, it all really depends on if the Burke pack sells well enough.
I never thought I'd say this given my distain for the Kenner stuff but since i didn't want to mess with selling some of the recent required purchases for the alien Neca club and a little boredom last night i went ahead and opened some kenner stuff as well as the space base diorama i got with wave 11. I have to say the space base is pretty cool and the shall we say colorful figures make it stand out too. Overall i really like the look even though it shocks me to say this! I'm even thinking of getting the mantis and gorilla alien now - what is wrong with me?
Sorry, a little delayed reaction venting. Had to be done...
Custom figure
We could use some more Alien 3 figures. Liven the series up some.