Yeah looks like the marine is Kenner Apone. You can easily make him out in a pic of the booth Randy just posted on twitter.
So as far as Kenner humans they've made Ripley, Vasquez and Apone so far....
The kenner Marines I'm ok with, i'll definately get 2 Apone's. I know they aren't the same but i wonder if this means neca finally was able to get Al Matthews likeness and a movie version will be made later. Reverse order of how they've gone in the past with movie vs. kenner figures but i can hope.
Even a generic likeness would be better than nothing. I mean, all due respect to the late Craig Windrix, but if they put a figure with his likeness to retail I don't see how an Apone that looks like a randomer (as long as he's black) would be any more risky.
Per the pic above he looks great, as does the Snake and Scorpion.
Looking at the Snake - how did they imagine he moves around? Does he bounce like a spring? He can't exactly slither can he....
Hahaha wtf is this? Neca, if you're out of ideas stop this ******** and continue 1/4 scale movie line or start 1/6 line.
Yea, looks like he'd get snagged on things.
I noticed wave 13 is to be released q4 2018, does this mean with all the issues in China regarding their factories its going to be a very light year for new figures and this is the only wave were getting from the aliens line for the year?
Apone looks like made from Dutch/Rambo body, and Terminator Genysis shotgun. I cant tell if the thighs have pockets like other marines. If so those are the legs , and waist for Drake. The head sculpt actually doesnt look bad, mainly alittle round ( not skinny enough)
Per the pic above he looks great, as does the Snake and Scorpion.
Looking at the Snake - how did they imagine he moves around? Does he bounce like a spring? He can't exactly slither can he....