and they mention that it will be in scale with the Marines. That's gonna be a sweet looking display.
Even better! Thanks for the info.
and they mention that it will be in scale with the Marines. That's gonna be a sweet looking display.
Yes - They will be released in deluxe two packs with battle damaged Alien Warriors.
With the queen coming I have to hunt these down. I want a cool marines trapped in a hive display, the battle damaged aliens will add to the awesome! Two questions though.
Has anybody posed their aliens in a crawling pose? Does it look like a natural pose or pretty awkward?
Have Neca confirmed helmeted versions of the marines?
I tried to get a crawling pose but unfortunately it really doesn't look good or natural. Even with the removable spine, the Xeno can't look straight or still looks like he's looking at the floor.
Can the figure achieve the pose like the maquette?
Are all the hudsons cross eyed? Or just some batches?