Technology might be able to give you improved special effects, but the majority of filmmakers working today are cookie-cutter hacks with limited talent or imagination beyond those special effects. The original Planet Of The Apes had a stellar cast, a top-notch script by Michael Wilson and Rod Serling (a script that even the book's author admitted was better than his book), that delved into social satire and commentary (sometimes obvious, sometimes subtle). That film was actually studied and analyzed in Socialogy classes in colleges throughout the country back in the late 60s early 70s. Tim Burton's reimagining, aside from the makeup effects, was a complete piece of s$&t, which threw out not only most of the social satire that made the original great, but threw in some weird quasi-love story between a human and a chimp.
The new iterations of the Apes films are awesome in their special effects, and the stories are fairly decent, but all in all, the original still can't be beat. And if a filmmaker made the mistake of doing what was done to the original Psycho, and just remade the film, line-by-line and shot-for-shot, with "better" special effects, it would still not be able to compete; much like the crap Psycho remake. Some things are better left alone.