NECA: Predator Movie Franchise Figures

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My favorite non-official name is the Hish... dunno what you guys think, but that sounds better than Yautja to me.
It's not even a comic thing, IIRC. The novel version of the first AvP came up with the Yautja name. The comics just called them either Hunters or Killers.
I agree with the idea that if it doesn't appear in the movie, it's not canon, but let's not forget in this case it's part of an OFFICIAL bio provided by Fox (it was confirmed by Randy on NECA's twitter that this bio was given to them to include in the back of the package) so i guess this makes it some serious stuff, doesn't it?

However, the coolness of the name also depends on how you pronounce "Yautja" is it like? like "yauya"? just kidding,it actually sounds terrible in spanish..
Not at all. Movies or bust. Dont care if it's on the DVD, or Package to a toy. Movie or bust.

Also...i'd like to add, perhaps the dude working at Fox was a stupid 12 year old fanboy like all the Yautja ELLIS DOS PAUK Fox...ugh....typing that made me want to hit somehting.
:lol Will this arguement ever end? I mean really, I dont care what you call em, Predators or Yautja, Aliens or Xenomorphs, we all know what you're talking about so lets just leave it at that.
We are just killing some time until new pics of the figures show up so we can talk about something topic related:clap
Not at all. Movies or bust. Dont care if it's on the DVD, or Package to a toy. Movie or bust.

Also...i'd like to add, perhaps the dude working at Fox was a stupid 12 year old fanboy like all the Yautja ELLIS DOS PAUK Fox...ugh....typing that made me want to hit somehting.

If anything stupid kids would call them predators, fans that really into the franchise call them Yautja, just because you don't like it doesn't mean little kids do. Also, whats wrong with being a predator fan boy? You seem to not really like the franchise and make fun of those who do, like it's okay to only sorta like it. The fact that fox called them Yautja on the back of an official product means its cannon, you can call them predators and for the most part I will too, but what you wish doesn't dictate whats cannon or not.
Time to bring this thread back on topic.

Pics of the Falconer and Berserker Pred figs...






Man, these all look really good. The paint apps look really clean and nicely done. Hopefully this is indicative of the quality all of the figures will be.