Super Freak
I think I'm just going to get the Tracker out of this series...not really that enthralled with the others.
I think I'm just going to get the Tracker out of this series...not really that enthralled with the others.
I feel the same. Tracker is all I need.
Now I just need to find them...checked my TRU earlier, no dice. Boba, let me know if you find them up there, if your TRUs have them, mine should.
but that was more of an issue of having an actor in the costume. it had nothing to do with whether the bio could fit on the predator's face, which it certainly could. for one, it would be a pain to have to secure the bio over the fragile latex/silicone and armature of the mask while filming. and it would make it impossible for the actor to see with the bio over the predator face mask. and price is always an issue with NECA. they have insane budgetary constraints that HT doesn't have to deal with so much.
yeah, it would need a face sculpt that could accommodate fitting the bio over it. but i don't think scaling it down would be much of an issue. it would definitely be more helpful if tankman could chime in about it.
heh, yeah and in that case they totally overcompensated for it by making the head AND bio way too small. but, i definitely agree it would make the face look lame. it works for the HT preds because those have interchangeable mandibles and you can't really do that with 7" figures.As the sculptor and a fan I rather have the closed mouth Predator look the way it did when the bio was off his face. The mouth would have to be really closed up and might look crappy just to fit it on. The movie Predators never have the full face under the bio and I wonder it they would really fit. I can tell you HT changed Mr.Black because no way would that face fit under that bio. I never put the bio's on my HT Predators because I think they look bad and make the Predators look like small boy Predators with the heads looking way to big.
I think I'm just going to get the Tracker out of this series...not really that enthralled with the others.
Think I'll get Tracker and Berserker. I'd keep it down to just the masked versions, but this new Berserker has better spotting than the old one. Just switch out the heads and presto!
heh, yeah and in that case they totally overcompensated for it by making the head AND bio way too small. but, i definitely agree it would make the face look lame. it works for the HT preds because those have interchangeable mandibles and you can't really do that with 7" figures.
ps - has there been any progress on the Elder?
Agreed. I have swapped heads btw masked Berserker and unmasked.
And repainted abit.
The Elder is finished and waiting his time to make it into the stores. I have one for myself and love the freaking thing. His face turned out great at the 8 inch scale. I'm really enjoying this figure a lot.
Agreed. I have swapped heads btw masked Berserker and unmasked.
And repainted abit.
lucky duck. i don't even have one and i love it just based on the pics so far. i think it'll end up being my favorite tankman figure and i wish NECA would make it in larger scales.The Elder is finished and waiting his time to make it into the stores. I have one for myself and love the freaking thing. His face turned out great at the 8 inch scale. I'm really enjoying this figure a lot.
Hey guys, do you think those Toy R Us exclusive double packs will hit Ebay? I really want one but I'm not from the US.
better idea - just ask a fellow boardie to snag one for you. i've gotten a few figures that way and it's a far better option than taking your chances on ebay.I would think some people will be buying them just to sell them on eBay. Unfortunatly this means they'll be more $ than retail but if it's the only way I can snag one - then so be it!