Way I see it, you just accept things as they
are today and/or have just given up that any improvement is possible in todays economy, whereas many of us others are a bit more ambitious/hopeful - we think $15 dollars
should buy you more. Sorry.

At the very least it should buy you a figure that doesn't snap in half as soon as you attempt to move one of the joints. Unless its free quite frankly any money you spend should get you that, a figure that does not break under no more force than it is expected
by the manufacturer to be given (otherwise they'd just make these things statues, there'd be
no articulation). Even Tankman agreed with that.
Having to heat them up may be the reality but why should it be. Tankman himself said that its ridiculous. 
Again you're just accepting what
is and seem to be quite proud of that but sorry most other people think its absurd and shouldn't be necessary.