So. Here we are. After my _____ing I caved. Why? Because it didn't look as bad as I thought. The sculpt saved it.
The paint...well, almost ruined it. I did my best to find one that was's ze reivew.
Predator 2 was a blah blah blah, bblibbidy who gives a ____.
In 2003, McFarlane got the Alien and Predator license. What a GLORIOUS DAY for fans. Cry about accuracy, whine about the orange splotty paint...when these came out, they were the best.
I remember it. And well. I ended up missing these guys when they came out due to everyone snatching them up like crazy. It wasn't until the Refresh figures did I finally get one.
Their Predator 2 Refresh figure was always my favorite. With removable helmet, removable arm, medikit, dish, scalpel, 1716 gun, and skull. Not to mention the articulation. Paint was good too. Especially the head.
So now, years later...NECA, the rival of McFarlane has the license. Did they do it justice? Is it better then McFarlane??
Yes. It is.
Now just because it's better, doesn't mean it's ALL better. There are some huge things that NECA blotched up. So here we go...
***PLEASE NOTE: The McF P2 is old. It's worn. It even broke years ago. I could never find the mandibles again, so I turned it into some psudo Wolf thing....******
First the sculpt. It's amazing. Fantastic. Perfect. Yes. It does beat McFarlane's. It's pretty accurate in every way. It's got the right proportions, the right wristblades...the right cell phone canon...ect. Little details like the disc holder really knocks it out of the park.
The tiny chips in the's all fantastic.
Articulation- Pretty fun! Like the McF figure, it's pretty awesome in that department. It does beat out McF's....
And it even does THIS!
But there is a negative side. This is where I think Neca ____ed up. Perhaps it was to save money...I don't care. This is a hugely important part of the Predator...
The McF can also do this...making it actually useful...
WHAT THE ____ NECA!!????
Just bugs me.