Thanks dude.
Yeah, I'm pretty critical.
More so of an Alien piece than a Predator piece to be sure.
But Rider, I can still appreciate a great sculpt when I see it.
I know it's not a HIGH END collectible, but to be's a better sculpt than most of those. DEFINATELY a better sculpt (on both the P1 and Elder) than Hot Toys did for FAR less money.
I appreciate the price that NECA is trying to keep these at, even after they've said they're far more expensive for them to produce than their other figures.
What you're asking NECA to do is to add more insignificant things to a great affordable piece, KNOWING that this would increase the cost for NECA and increase the cost for the casual collector.
Can some of us afford more expensive pieces, sure.
But what you're trying to do is cut out the casual consumer.
MaulFan has already explained that to you and yet you still fail to understand.
All of this is moot as I'm quite sure NECA has a specific budget for each of their lines. They've worked very hard to give us as good a figure as they can and stay within that budget.
You, as a casual, foreign consumer, cannot in any way assume you know how NECA does business. You cannot, in any way, know whether adding these things you want AND increasing the price would be a sound business decision for them. And yet, here you after post trying to tell us and them that they're NOT making a sound business decision if they don't do what you ask. RI-DAMN-DICULOUS!
NECA is out to appeal to collectors with great sculpts and VERY fair prices.
That's what they've managed to do so far, and I'm quite happy to add their figures to my collection.
I can tell you this...I'd get rid of all of my Hot Toys Preds before I got rid of my NECA Preds.