Question ! :
is that you know if the mask is removable on this future model ????
Should be getting the cloaked P2 soon. I've massively overpaid for it. In prior times I wouldn't have blinked but now...christ. £22+£18(!) postage from Forbidden Planet in Britain to Ireland. Thats 50euro for me. For one NECA figure which I primarily wanted for the trophy skull that comes with it. Bad deal. The **** was I thinking.
Still haven't received this. I only live across the pond, WTF.
Why the hell are they charging you £18 postage that sounds ridiculously high. If you don't have any luck i have one in the shop where the hand has come off,i should be able to get my supplier to reduce the cost because of this, it's not broken it's just looks like it's come out of the wrist socket. If your interested pm me and i'l see what price i can get it for.
Oh, so now the skull I pretty much paid 50euro for is included in this new set aswell. ****ing great.Why couldn't they have put that even bigger skull in with this set. Anyone who collected the McFarlane figures already has that smaller skull anyway. Gawdammit.
Feckin cloaked P2 better be worth it.
The skull that comes with cloaked P2 is different than the skull in this two pack.
And I have the cloaked P2. Very cool figure.
Didn't the first release of P1 on an old body with limited articulation (no ball jointed thighs and no knee articulation)?