It's the same exact figure as JP. Only without the shirt. I would've rather seen 'Mission Briefing' Dutch.
In fact if any Dutch variant was expendable I would have left out the funny faced one we're getting in the upcoming wave.
It's the same exact figure as JP. Only without the shirt. I would've rather seen 'Mission Briefing' Dutch.
It's the same exact figure as JP. Only without the shirt. I would've rather seen 'Mission Briefing' Dutch.
Give him the plasma caster wound on the shoulder, make him dirty and 'battle damaged' then I'll bite.
Neca just released a teaser photo of what seems to be the kenner tribute included in series 10 on their facebook. super excited but my damn phones acting up and I can't link it.
edit - here it is from their twitter
Looks like it's going to be Scavage Predator.
I was hoping they'd do Cracked Tusk, but I'm damn glad they're doing this. I hope this is forshadowing of more of these types of figs to come.
Yeah I would have preferred Crack Tusk or my favorite, Spiked Tail:Looks like it's going to be Scavage Predator.
I was hoping they'd do Cracked Tusk, but I'm damn glad they're doing this. I hope this is a forshadowing of more of these types of figs to come.
SameI'm on the fence about reusing Falconer's armor though...I was really hoping for an all new sculpt.
Yeah, I'd love to see them just going crazy with it, and making all types of EU Preds. A glow in the dark Stalker Predator would be awesome!
The chest armor and loin armor in the illustration sort of looks like the Berserker Pred's armor....