The toys for the original Alien were marketed to kids too, but that doesnt mean it should have been or would fly today. ... over-again
Also spawn slipped in because parents foolishly lumped spawn into "toys of a comic book" and people still thought comic books were just for kids.
Lets ALSO not forget (or not get educated) that part of the reason the Aliens toys were so brightly colored and marketed toward kids was that the ground work was being laid for a
saturday morning cartoon!
It would have been called "Operation Aliens" and hell, id have watched it. How would they get away with that subject matter on saturday morning cartoons? Easy. All the ridiculous aliens had animal hosts not humans. GI Joe ran for years with hundreds of gun battles but didnt have one dead guy.
The point is don't look too heavily at past marketing examples as having any bearing of today's practices. It was a different world back then. Today, this stuff is for adults and most of that crap back then wouldnt fly.