Yeah but that was always planned to be sold separately.
Strange business strategy. Unfortunatley I'm going to don't buy it
Am I the only one that thinks "Mud dutch" sounds like some messed up sex move?
It's NOT a strange business makes perfect sense...from a BUSINESS point of view.
They make more money by selling everything separately.
Picked up the trophy wall today. On its own it isn't very impressive. Just a big ole' hunk of plastic. However, once this thing is set up with the skulls and P2 it's going to be a nice piece. Those that go the extra mile and light it up will have a very impressive piece.
Just an FYI: when you unpack watch the styrofoam. It's that low-grade type that ends up everywhere if not careful.
So you have to buy the Skulls separately, I didn't collect all the different pred variants and figures, which one came with the the Alien Skull?
There's a surprising amount they could still do.
-Red-shirt Dutch
-Get to the Choppa Dutch with shouting face and BD shoulder
-muddy Dutch with roaring face (though other than the roaring face we just got this)
-'You are one uugly mudda-fuhka' Dutch with most of the mud washed off
-Victory Dutch (hands on hips pose at the end)
They might be wise to hold some of these to go in waves that might also include other P1 soldiers....kinda like how Hasbro feels the need to include a Darth Vader in every other wave of Star Wars figures.
The Alien vs Predator 2 pack, not so easy to find for a good price these days. Your better off buying the skull pack and just selling your extra skulls you don't need on ebay
Ah thanks for the information, I'll think about that, I'm a huge Pred fan, but not so much of buying accessories separately though, are any of these cases or Skull Packs going to be sold at TRU or only online?
Got my trophy wall today from amoktime, man this thing is heavy, I think it's made out of resin and polystone, I thought it would be hard vinyl or plastic,this thing is high quality not cheap made.i simply love it!
Those would be nice, I heard someone talking about an infra-red Dutch... Now that would be cool imo.
That's cool. Wasn't expecting that. It looks the business in that video review. Can't wait to get it.
You're right that was mentioned. Another possibility. Although the gimmicky-type figures don't tend to work very well. Water Emergence Predator sadly doesn't look anywhere near as good as the prototype. Really for completists only. The cloaked Berserker that blends into a card-backdrop was actually pretty decent though. So they don't always fail.
Finally found a Jungle Disguise Dutch to add to the shelf. Another amazing addition to the Dutch lineup. As some mentioned, the leaves are NOT as red/pink. They are more of a light tan/brown color and they look great if you ask me. Forgive the picture, the flash cheapens the image and removes tons of detail to the figures.
Also, I found this little gem. Let's see if anyone can spot it lol.