Super Freak
I say bring it on! It makes a lot of sense Mualfan. I would be happy to get all the variants. The sculpt is top notch and Im sure the PREDATORS figures will look just as good.
Well, I believe P1 will come as 3 figures, Kyle was a bit vague in repsonding to my question, but I think there'll be masked, unmasked closed mandibles and unmasked open mandibles just from P1, so that's 3, P2 Elder makes 4, and there could be even a couple PREDATORS Classic figures, so that's 5-6 figures based on one core sculpt and all.
Going by the leaked shots, he's seen without upper body netting, so, since it seems like the netting gets added afterward (because Kyle hinted they might do real netting instead of sculpted on a 12 or 18 inch figure if it's made), then that's another thing they could use to differ Classic from P1.
The figure design is just fantastic though, the P1 in those Toy Fair shots, so I'm game to see anything they offer based on it.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking... But gee, they'd think the hardcore fans actually saw what the new Preds looked like after that leak (which they totally did). Oh, well...